Ch.1, Prt 2, pg. 3

Tempest_Lavalle on Nov. 19, 2010

Skipped a week cause I got behind in some school stuff. I really didn't like drawing the hospital room. Mostly because I wanted to make sure it was identified as one, so I used reference and it was a pain in the patella to get it to where I liked it XI
Otherwise, I'm happy with this page. I've learned about glow effects from these last 3 pages then I've learned in the past couple years messing with photoshop XD

The comments from the last page seriously had me laughing SO hard XD It's always fun to see what people speculate/joke about when new secrets are revealed :3

I've never been hospitalized (knock on wood!) but my sister has been. And even though her injuries weren't as severe as we feared, she looked like HELL lying in that damn bed. Poor Sarah :C
Also, look! Sarah's little brother is here!