Chapter 2, page. 34

Bii0 on Jan. 13, 2015

Uuuurg gawd. Sorry for the late page, I had to work all 7 days and yesterday was my only day off, but I had a lot to work on with this since I had trouble getting it done over the work week.
Wouldn't bitch about it, but people working full-time don't get paid for working the last two days (Saturday and Sunday), which those two days are absolutely mandatory for everyone to work to the point of you only being able to get out of it if you're in the hospital. I understand if you're on a supervisor level and have the experience and knowledge to train people, but for lower level people like me who can't do much of anything, I don't see the point. Just more unnecessary bodies to over stuff our work place, and make it where no one can get any actual work done.

ANYWAYS! Julian's hauling ass out of there before he's trapped forever, he kinda has this weird thing with rain. Doesn't like being stuck in certain places while it's going on.
I'm kinda excited about the next page, not only because it's sort of a checkpoint for me to know that the chapter is almost done, but I'm also excited to draw the background character things coming up. Their designs are going to be fun to work with, even if it's just for a hand-full of pages.

Also if I've come across as rude in any way over the past month or so, it's a lame excuse, but I've been ungodly grouchy over the coming and passing of the xmas season. Used to not care, but driving is difficult enough for me without working around idiots that don't know what they're doing and shouldn't be driving, and that coupled with the endless xmas music everywhere drove me up the wall. Couldn't even stand myself anymore.
So yeah, I apologize, I shouldn't take my grumpy issues out on everyone else.


@tupapayon: I know, right? Building an ark to house two of every animal, talking to the burning bush, setting a plague on Egypt, turning bread into butter. He was such a great example of how people should be, that would be the best if more people that followed him were to be more like him.

… He did those things, right?