Chapter 2, page. 42

Bii0 on April 4, 2015

Hey, sorry I didn't get this out sooner, I was feeling sick with an insane migraine yesterday and in the evening I went to visit my grandpa in the hospital so I didn't get a whole lot of anything done. But hey, at least I got it done!
The next page will most likely be the last one for this chapter, and after that I'll be taking a small break to gather the next one and start on reworking the first chapter, just to see if it'll turn out better.

Sorry about the weird speech bubble situation, I have no idea what I was thinking when I placed them.

Anyways, not sure how successful I'll be since next week is a seven day work week for me, but I'll try to get the next page out ASAP.


@tupapayon: Hell, he can even sell his own “Cooking with Julian” merchandise, be like Martha Stewart and sell his own line of dog clothes. it'll be perfect!