MayelV on April 23, 2012

Oh Aja. You called James a bit too late. But we'll get to see Jos's new (new?) technique. He's calling… zombies? Nope. Still spirits. But in skeleton form. You see, it's all Day of the dead related. Some tales tell that on that day you can bump into spirits in the form of skeletons dancing and partying hard and stuff. That day is the only chance they get to have fun haha. That's where I got inspiration to create Jos's dark powers. So, basically Jos can summon those kind of skeletons, which can be easily seen, unlike the purple ghostie spirits.
Thanks for reading!
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@Mr Kaos:Not for James xD
@crazy_goodfellow: Wow haha. I'm glad you guys are really liking the characters. Someone on the spanish site said the same, but about Mr. Skelly :D
@man in black: Thank you!!