Chapter 1: Leap to Eat

Tantz_Aerine on July 11, 2010

My computer has fried AGAIN, and currently I am updating this for you from my mum's laptop, which she kindly donated for the cause… I am hoping to get mine back asap because I'll run out of buffer otherwise :(

So I can't just yet offer you all the background I wanted, since it's all in my compy, but I will do that within the week in another update (I will pretty it up a little, too!).

I can, however, tell you VERY BRIEFLY some facts you need to know to be able to follow/enjoy what is coming to the fullest.

So, here goes: LEAPERS! This is a direct translation from the Greek term “, saltaDOros‚” which means ‘one who leaps’ in a slightly slang version of the time.

Leapers were young people (mostly very young kids and up to teens) who, instead of allowing themselves to starve, would leap upon Nazi trucks and steal anything that there was to be stolen, mainly food, but also other items they could trade in the black market for food.

During the Nazi occupation in Athens and Greece in general, hunger spread to the level of mass famine, because the Nazis requisitioned all food, and food/aid donated by the Red Cross did not reach Athens (I'll tell you why in the detailed info sheet), causing a huge amount of the non-fighting population to die of hunger during the years 1942-45 (450,000 perished in just one year). Everyone was reed-thin if they were lucky (many had swollen bellies and/or looked skeletal), and anyone who was not was immediately suspect or known to be a black marketer or a collaborator of some sort, because only those had regular access to food.

Leapers, therefore, stole back their food rations at direct risk of their lives, since Nazis shot to kill without preamble when the leapers attempted their leaping. They also shared their spoils with their neighbourhoods as much as they could dare (lest they be betrayed/snitched upon) and often were part of the resource for neighborhood commons that were the main food source of people at the time.

And thus, the Chapter name, and here we see a healthy Fotis leaping, with just the attitude that characterised these guys. ;)

In my mid-week update with all the other info I wanted to share with you, I will also have some real leaper photos for you to see AND the song of the leapers with full lyrics, so you see how they poked fun at the Nazis even though they were unarmed and the Nazis shot in the gut.

Till then, and here's hoping my compy revives!