Chapter 8, page 8

Tantz_Aerine on April 11, 2010


Bad guys are caught, the cavalry has arrived, all is well!

…. *crickets* ….

What? Oh, you mean the casualties. *ducks* Sorry! Sorry!

We still got that epilogue coming up, so don't y'all worry… well, not too much.

PLUS, you got JNP to thank, because now the epilogue is going to be a few pages longer than what I'd programmed, and I am going to sit down and redraw some stuff I'd stacked for you.

Yes, it's all JNP's handiwork there!

Anyway, this page concludes the basic Wolf story, and now we will only tie up the loose ends. I hope you like it!

I also hope you like this page- it has elements I really like and some I really hate. I didn't really want to draw too much gore as the final page, but still make it clear that it's a horrific happening. Hope that comes across. :)

So, I'll put up the epilogue cover page probably tomorrow :D

Cameos today are from Jenshin's awesome comic Two Moons, and it's Genesis and Siilas for the FBI and Areock as squad head (or however they're actually called).