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Shreejit Pal on June 19, 2017

yadav- what might your name be?

veer- My name is Veer… Veer Chauhan!
…and are you sure that you want to be my rival? I dont think you'd cut the cake!

yadav- FYI I am quite capable myself… I was a farm hand all this time… working all day in the field…

veer-…*interrupting* sounds like what i used to do when I was five!

yadav- why you?!… Just tell me where is Sadhu Viraj… I'm done talking with you!

veer- Guruji told me not to disturb him but since you are here …so this is an exception…*moving to the ashram building* you dont have to talk just follow me, he is right this way…

yadav-(to himself) Now i can be strong enough for what I want!

veer-*nearing the door* over here…


viraj-It's time!… time to… have some…fun! Veer isn't here, we are alone… hihihihi I have waited for this moment for so long… God bless me!
She must be in the kitchen… *enters kitchen* *drools over Pari's butt shaking (sideways) and humming while cooking…