"Put Words in Their Mouths" CONTEST 7-9-07

dgriff13 on July 8, 2007

It's that wondrous time again! You know how this works: leave a suggestion of the witty banter in the 1-panel sketch above in your comments, or PQ me if you so wish. Winner gets a little sumthin-sumthin from yours truly in the next comic… maybe I'll draw your character, maybe I'll plug your comic, maybe I'll just pick on you. Either way it shall result in good times!

Oh, and if you'd rather “Z” give the punchline and Fred be the set-up person (er, alien), that's cool as well. Just list it in order, I'll change around the bubbles.

I had a lot of fun drawing Fred in a kiddie pool last week, I wanted to do it again. It was a hot day today, I wish I had a kiddie pool to splash around in. Even though I'd get weird stares from neighbors. It's officially summer, folks!

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with! I have some funny fans… ;0) Deadline is Tuesday by 8pm EST. Wednesday is the announcement of the winner (with full color beauteous update!), and Friday will be the cameo/plug/etc for the winner. Got it? Good.