Happy Holidays ya duckers!

dgriff13 on Dec. 24, 2007

Have a safe, warm, healthy and happy holiday everyone! Now, go out and eat and drink heavily.

Those who played the last PWITM, go check your comments! Come back Thursday to see our buddy Brock's cameo prize for winning December's PWITM, it's sure to be a HOOT! That's right, I said a HOOT!

P.S. Okay, I admit—-I kinda cheated. This page is about a year old. It was last year's Christmas card that I mailed out to family and friends as a bit of an “introduction” of Z&F. But it's still funny, and you all haven't seen it yet. So, here it is. Enjoy!


ANNNND, an added Xmas gift: it's REMIX time again here at the 'Duck, & I joined in the festivities! See Z&F remixed by my “secret santa”, and see MY remix of another comic! Go check it out!

Z&F original chosen by Sage of “Blip”:

Z&F remix by Sage of “Blip”:

Mr. Scootles Original I chose:

Mr. Scootles Remix by yours truly!: