PWITM contest #11 - Winner!

dgriff13 on June 24, 2008

First off, I want to say thank you (again) to everyone that made the extra effort to enter the contest.. I know I ended up emailing a couple of you to help me out. I appreciate the support, guys.

And SpANG, yeah.. since you won last time, you're not eligible this time. But it's always fun to read another entry, so thanks!

Congrats to you Crispiest Fortune, I liked your “naughty-non-G-rated” entry so much I figured, what the hell. It's really not that offensive, even… I've seen worse in the newspapers, LOL. Come back Friday for your cameo prize!!!! jgib99 was a close second-place ;0)

I dunno, maybe this contest has run it's course. The entries are dwindling as are my page views. I use this contest as a slight break from 3x a week comics, when life demands more of my time, so I like having that fallback when necessary. What do you guys think- is time for a new type of contest? or maybe just a new “prize”?