
soupanda at 11:08PM, Feb. 15, 2010
posts: 83
joined: 12-28-2009
Skunker than a drunk right now. Remember, hot toddy build is sugar, lemon, and THEN booze, generally whiskey, to strength needed, and HOT water. Any other order equals a massively deviant effect than the one wanted. Tispy is ok, but I am more than that. You know, contractions are not evil. We have been using contractions since before our language was Our language. I understand that ‘ain’t' has fallen in disfavor, but that I do not like is the fact that ‘ain’t' fell into disuse because Robert Lowthe deemed it unnecessary. You care because an eighteen century English Bishop had a hard-on for his own particular rules of English grammar, and happened to know the woman who started the English collective educational system. That is, boys Went to school, with their Headmasters and other English trivialities, sorry England, but I'm American, instead of Being schooled in private. An entire generation of people were taught to speak and think by the code of a select few, and the resulting etiquette is what we take for granted as ‘proper’. I respect, even love, in a manly heterosexual way, a statement that he would, hopefully, laugh at, James Baldwin, BECAUSE he understood that language fundamentally shapes HOW we view our world, and even though he couldn't escape the need to use certain allusions to get his message across to the greater masses, he still knew the inherent power of those words. Letting a man, three hundred years dead, tell you that you can not use a double negative because that is not proper for math equations makes as muck sense as using a penguin to dictate what migratory patterns swallows will legally be allowed to use. My head feels whoopy. Weeeee. But because of the effects of one war, and one educational system, we HAVE to have these rules. I honestly don't think it would bother me so much if the ‘grammar Nazis’ who take the arbitrary rules set forth by Lowthe as the word of God Almighty Himself didn't otherwise demand logical and unfailing scientific proof for everything else. You know what, if you couldn't split an infinitive in English, then you wouldn't be able to split the infinitive. That's a Latin rule. If I said “I was going to boldly go, where no man had gone before…” then you would understand what I meant. Cheryl, who has mass tatas, and has a girlfriend that would have been considered abusive is she were a man, hopefully their new found joy in living and being together lasts, is the only person who gets the pass on that, because her mind works differently than the major majority of people (99.9%+). Otherwise, you would understand what I meant. Which proves my point. I need to go to sleep now. I hope you have enjoyed my English Major Rant (Fuckin' Lowthe)

I copy/pasted, which is still my favorite spell.

Nicole, I wish you had let me cut myself on your love. But you didn't let me, and I missed the chances I had. So, no fault. You are beautiful, sexy, charming, and intelligent. I wish you saw me as something more than an extra in your life, but you have other Andrew to fill that void, and I hope he makes you happy. I know my lady friend does me, to my soul. Honestly, she quiets me in ways I can not explain, but excites me all over again. Shit I'm going to post a drunken text as a blog. Oh well, anonymity has it's perks.

Oh, and while I'm at it, people who are tech related, feel no shame, you make the world go round. People who are college prep, feel no shame you push the world forward. We NEED both, and should have a pop. that can do both. All craftsmen should have college degrees, and know how to think independently and fully. Our academics, scientists, and doctor/lawyer types, should know how to change their oil, or build a table. Even if the electrical engineer gained the knowledge of the electrician, which are two different things, by the way, we as a society, would be better. Understand would flourish, and who knows what marvels may be wrought.

Spell pretty damn good for a drunk eh? Any way, besides the fact that I should have jumped Serina's bones when I had the chance…


last edited on July 18, 2011 10:15AM

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