huh? no narrative?

frozen flame on Sept. 12, 2007

Wow you guys just got fillered. That must suck. And i apologise that this isn't funny. But, meh, filler.

You know the thing that i love most about DD? other than the crudely disguised porn in every second or third comic of course. What i love is that i can upload something one day for it to be added to the site in a few days. You see I'm actually writing this on tuesday but the comic I'm planning on doing I know will take me a while to stop fussing over small things that irritate me so I can whip this up now, not need to pay attention to the day and get to wait until sunday to rush a comic out for monday.

At least that way i meet that non-existant deadline in my head of taking no more than one week to make something thats more than one panel.

Oh and in other news: THE PLOT HOLE IS REVEALED!!!!!101!

I bet you didn't want to wade through all that just for notes that are actually related to the comic did you?