Admin makes awkward news-food metaphor, hopes no one's appetite is ruined

skoolmunkee at 2:46AM, Oct. 8, 2009

We've got a number of tasty news bites today, its variety and quality will satisfy any news buffet enthusiast!

There's a new interview up! Anubis interviews spearcarrier of Akashik! (Don't forget there are lots of other great interviews in the interview forum too!)

9. Do you take ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Imaginary Daughter

Ozoneocean at 11:39PM, Sept. 23, 2009


All of a sudden a man finds a daughter in his life, like Athena and Minerva she springs fully formed from his mind… That complicates things for him, but not as much as having a daughter the normal way would've done… This is a very strange comic and the ...

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Attention! Denizens Interviewed - Contests A'Plenty - Gas Prices Down

skoolmunkee at 11:47PM, Sept. 13, 2009

This just in, early edition late breaking news hot off the press! Another DD user interview is up! Annie2495 interviews MadMindInk of Denizens! Attention!

1) Glad to be interviewing you! Let’s start with the old interview opener-tell us a little about yourself!

Ah, starting with the difficult questions first ...

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Community High Schools Under Attack; Queer Press Grant Announced

skoolmunkee at 4:24AM, Sept. 12, 2009

Yesterday, Top Drawer High launched an attack against Drunk Duck High (the target of the attack was this thread). Those TD High guys are so immoral and callous, just look at the day they picked! How ignorant an insensitive (so, very Top Drawer). >:[ I would like to voice deep ...

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Admin Lets News Pile Up- News At Eleven

skoolmunkee at 2:17AM, Sept. 7, 2009

moverfield's EXHAUST will be ending this week at page 96… but fear not, because Bullet Mythology will be posting every day until it ends in October!

Today, Sameth's Dragon City turns a big 500, and Sameth will be posting a special comic in celebration!

Also today, Geotology by ...

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MONDAY FEATURE -> Lavender Legend!

skoolmunkee at 2:44AM, Aug. 31, 2009

Princess Lavender has been banished since birth to a castle where males are forbidden. Her sheltered upbringing has left her more than a little childish. She has decided to take a special interest in her tall, raven-haired, extremely serious maid Felicia. However, Felicia does not really appreciate her ridiculous new ...

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Ozoneocean at 8:09AM, Aug. 27, 2009


Eff Eff Ex is a Final Fantasy X parody. If you know the FFX story/game it probably makes way more sense to you, but I don't and it's hilarious anyway! Denethor's art is frequently hyper modified for comic effect, with extremely exaggerated expressions, realism, and extremely ...

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Loads of news today, a little bit of everything! Signups, too!

skoolmunkee at 1:44AM, Aug. 10, 2009

Lots of stuff today so listen up!

First up we've got community stuffs:

FUSION SIGNUPS TIME! This is a fun, easy way to get into a community project without a lot of work! The Fusion is kind of a ‘game’ where the first person makes a panel, passes it ...

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Milestones of all shapes and sizes, and a great new interview!

skoolmunkee at 3:17AM, July 29, 2009

Stickfodder sent me this last week but I accidentally deleted it- sorry! (It's all good though because he sent it again.) STICKFODDER reached 200 sticky comics yesterday, which was its 1 year anniversary to boot!

A very belated congrats to Hunchdebunch, whose comic The Door reached 25 pages some ...

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