Sunday Night Skoolmunkee Report

skoolmunkee at 12:55PM, May 2, 2010

Good evening viewers, thank you for tuning in. A lot has happened this week. Arizona has finally shown its crazy. Louisiana is in mortal environmental danger again. People find a car bomb in New York City and New Yorkers say “eh.” Britain is getting ready to lynch its entire government ...

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Check out the new DD member interview! Also, contest winners! Also, milestones!

skoolmunkee at 4:19PM, April 25, 2010

We've got another DD user interview up, and this one is a good 'un with lots of interesting tidbits! ministrybase interviews Kroatz of No Heroes!

9. Your art has a rich, plush texture that is draws the reader in. Take us through creating a page for No Heroes.

Every ...

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OK- site working again! REALLY!

skoolmunkee at 3:29PM, March 22, 2010

Okay! I am told that there should be plenty of space on the image server now (100 gigs) and that things are working again! So everyone may go back to uploading their comics and changing their html and so forth, everything should be fine, nothing should be wrong!

You will ...

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Lots of milestones! Oh, and Drunk Duck is getting an on-demand STORE

skoolmunkee at 2:16PM, Jan. 20, 2010

harkovast tells me that his (and ifelldownthestairs's) review comic The Webcomic Review Comic On The Web has reached 25 pages! (26 actually.)

Karrel reached 75 *slams fist on table* I demand my stipulated news post *puts fist in a bucket of ice*

WarriorBorn by cyberdog has posted its ...

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Super great Monday newspost WOOOOO NEWS!

skoolmunkee at 1:35AM, Dec. 28, 2009

Elanor Pam's featured comic Sinful turned 125 pages on Sunday! Cognrats!

Near the end of the great December 22nd 2009 podcast radio interview Kurt Sasso (Vertigo_X) and I enjoyed with Barb Jacobs and Josh (Canterrain) of XyliaTales ( fame, we got to joking around about the ...

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Ho ho ho!

skoolmunkee at 1:28AM, Dec. 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!!

And I mean that in the general ‘happy holiday feeling’ sense and not the religious one. Goodwill toward men and so forth! Robot Santa, Haunnukah Zombie and Kwanzaabot are all friends here! And anyone else I'm probably forgetting. ...

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Thursday's feature! Robomeks!

skoolmunkee at 3:11AM, May 14, 2009

Robomeks! This stylish comic centres on 3 teenage robot mechanics whose job is surprisingly dangerous and exciting. A colorful and funny action comic with a lot of neat design moments (such as the flamenco robot who fights with his feet). In the current story, the Robomeks are called in to ...

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I have precisely one metric butt ton of news today!

skoolmunkee at 5:19AM, April 30, 2009

Niccea's community project the Drunk Duck Mafia Comic has reached 125 pages!

Kemono Densetsu by Inoshishi has reached 25 pages!

Polkster's PolkOut has had its 50th update!

A milestone and some interviews from Abt_Nihil!

(1) my weekly comic signifikat recently surpassed 75 pages.

(2) alejkhan interviewed me ...

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Your midweek news fix!

skoolmunkee at 2:21PM, Dec. 9, 2008

Kyupol's Brood Knight CLASSICS has reached 25 pages!

Harkovast has also reached 25 pages!

Magical Misfits has reached 800!

House of the Muses Miniseries now available through Lightning Source, Inc.

Pam Harrison (House of the Muses) has just signed on with Lightning Source for for Full Distribution Services ...

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