Heavy Meta

Banes at 12:00AM, June 20, 2019

I'm not generally a fan of ‘spoofs’ or parodies. There are a few greats of course, like Young Frankenstein, but even the well-regarded ones like the Naked Gun series back in the day aren't ones I was ever crazy about. There are some funny jokes and good performances ...

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The Thing With Clichés

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, June 8, 2019

There is a general idea that cliches, when they surface in the narrative of a story, be it movie, tv or webcomics or anything else, is a sign of bad writing.

There is of course a good basis for this presumption, because usually a cliche is a plot device, or ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Jetpack Jill

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 22, 2019

Hurtling through space without a helmet and a jetpack on her back is Jill, the spunky redhead who still needs to do chores. One night, after sharing a room with the son of her friends, Jill is awoken by the foreboding tales of a little boy’s nightmare. In order ...

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Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 18, 2019

This is a topic that Ozoneocean suggested to me and I have to say I'm quite intrigued to tackle it and start a conversation perhaps around the concept as a plot device but also as an issue of the relationship of the creators and the audiences.

Betrayal can be ...

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Supporting characters and why they are important

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, May 10, 2019

I’ve been ill for two weeks now with the flu. This has meant that progress on our comics has slowed as I try and get back on my feet again (got a couple of pages drawn for the buffer but progress is a snails pace right now). In between ...

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QUACKCAST 425 - Pay-off or rip-off?

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 7, 2019

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In this Quackcast we chat about set-ups. pay-offs, and rip-offs. To make your climaxes and endings more satisfying you have pay-offs for audience expectations: set them up ...

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A confused rant about setup and payoff

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, May 3, 2019

After seeing both the recent episode of Game of Thrones and Avengers: Endgame, I walked away wondering why I felt slightly unfulfilled. I’m going to go into spoiler territory here, so if you haven’t seen either GOT or Endgame it might be best to steer clear of this ...

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Making a hero feel real

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, April 26, 2019

Last week we looked at lovable/hateable villains. So, in that spirit why not flip this coin and talk about what makes a hero feel real. Now, a protagonist is not necessarily a hero. For instance, despite being the main focal point through which we, the audience experience the story ...

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Emotional Impact

Amelius at 1:10PM, April 14, 2019

Have you ever read something and it gave you the “feels?” Something that was so intense that you couldn't help but feel the emotional truth of a fictional moment in time? In many ways that is the highest form of our art, and possibly any art; to communicate an ...

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