The Very First Weekly Interview Newspost!

skoolmunkee at 1:51PM, Nov. 15, 2009

The Very First Weekly Interview Newspost!

Hey guys! This week rather than spacing the interviews out (we have three!) I've decided to post them all on Sunday, give them their own newspost, and let you guys have at it. I do hope you enjoy reading these- they're fun ...

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Show me some news baby, awww yeah

skoolmunkee at 2:38AM, Nov. 12, 2009

Hey all! Quick ‘admin’ announcement - I'll be doing regular newsposts on Sunday afternoon and on Thursday morning from now on, instead of Monday and sometimes Wednesday mornings. I have to get up really early those days and get out the door and I don't even have time to ...

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OK, this is my last newspost of the week! ... because tomorrow is a new week

skoolmunkee at 12:49AM, Nov. 7, 2009

Two Weeks Notice, Hakoshen's" comic about video games, the retail industry and lots of violence has reached 75 pages! Not bad for a comic with no tangible plot!"

MeHighLow and Manda proudly anounce 25 pages of the lovely Weave!

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This just in: Today is Wednesday

skoolmunkee at 2:20AM, Oct. 28, 2009

23 by Graphictruth hits 50 pages on Thursday!

On Friday, Graphictruth also is going to celebrate the 75th page of Dreamwalkers by uploading an extra update!

Also, don't forget about this:

Do you like sketch battles? Ones where your fellow community members have volunteered themselves to duke it ...

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The battles commence, a true patriot will support the fighters! (And some milestones too)

skoolmunkee at 1:45AM, Oct. 26, 2009

Do you like sketch battles? Ones where your fellow community members have volunteered themselves to duke it out for your entertainment, gratification, and praise? If you don't, you're a dirty communist! So if you'd like to show your fear-induced sketchbattle patriotism, head on over to The Pen ...

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Attention Everyone, I Have A Balloon (No I Don't)

skoolmunkee at 11:05PM, Oct. 18, 2009

Sorry for no newspost on Saturday, I plumb forgot. : Please thanks!

Saturday, usedbooks's Geotology turned 1 year old! That is not very long in geologic terms but I think in webcomic ones that is not bad!

Knots by curlpop reached 50 pages on Sunday!

Hello to Drunk Duck ...

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Admin makes awkward news-food metaphor, hopes no one's appetite is ruined

skoolmunkee at 2:46AM, Oct. 8, 2009

We've got a number of tasty news bites today, its variety and quality will satisfy any news buffet enthusiast!

There's a new interview up! Anubis interviews spearcarrier of Akashik! (Don't forget there are lots of other great interviews in the interview forum too!)

9. Do you take ...

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Ozoneocean at 1:08AM, Oct. 8, 2009


Three friends since childhood, sharing the same living space… Three different guys and the silly things they get up to. Juvies is a good strong humour comic about 3 childhood friends- Scott the level headed leader, T.J the ladies man, and Roger the slacker. It's not deep, it ...

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Ozoneocean at 1:47AM, Sept. 3, 2009


Wally and Ost spend most of their lives in cubicles. In an office. On another planet.
Their co-workers are freaky aliens and their boss is eyeball -also an A-hole, so he's got both ends of the body covered without any of the messy bits in the middle. Their lives ...

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Boy have I got a heaving sackful of moist news for you!

skoolmunkee at 4:26AM, Aug. 20, 2009

Another interview is up! I told you, we've got lots of them, and you'll be getting them twice a week while they are still going on. :] Today it's Lilac interviewing Avilo of Animosity Sonata. It's also quite clear that these two had far too much fun ...

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