That Moment a Children’s Movie Introduces Serious Topics that Adults Find Relatable

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 10, 2019

Last week, I was in a classroom and the plans on the desk were to show a DVD. “Oh good, Zootopia it is!” I said as I happily loaded the disc into the computer. I had already seen the movie three years ago when it came out in theaters, so ...

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Character voice

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, May 31, 2019

If you want to design a memorable character it doesn’t just stop at their looks. How they speak, write and use body language is integral to who they are as a person as well as how other character’s may react to them. When you read a comic or ...

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A Proposed Counterargument

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 4, 2019


I was amazed and surprised to see that I wasn't the only one that had an idea to talk about setup and payoff and Game of Thrones this week! The lovely Emma Clare did it ahead of me, and she ...

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Making Heads Of Thumbnails

Amelius at 12:04PM, April 28, 2019
tags: art, promotion

Here on DD, your thumbnail is your first impression and as such you should take care with your thumbnail, as it is your first chance to make an impression with a reader. Full disclosure, I don't really like our thumbnails here on DD. These stamp style thumbnails are too ...

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Targeted Practice

Amelius at 8:06AM, April 7, 2019

When I see artists just getting into the craft or people simply looking to improve their art ask for advice, the most omnipresent answer is “practice”; I don't like that answer. It assumes the person asking the question doesn't realize this is obvious, and hasn't already been ...

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Drawing something you’ve never drawn before

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, March 15, 2019

One of the challenges of drawing comics is that you will, inevitably have to put together a scene you have never attempted before. This is an incredibly daunting task as trying to translate what you have in your head (which is always amazing) to your hand can prove to be ...

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An Unexpected Audience

Amelius at 12:52PM, March 10, 2019

Sometimes you aim for a target and you miss– but you end up with a hit anyway in an unexpected place.

When starting a new project usually the target audience is clear, people like ourselves. After all, an author usually likes their own work and has a target reader similar ...

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Holy Bible A.G.V. Angel Character Design Submission

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 4, 2019

In the Networking and Community Project section on the forums, Albino Ginger made a call to artists that are interested in having one of their characters appear as an angel in the Holy Bible Albino Ginger Version Comic. Sign-ups and requests can be made on the forums at this link ...

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Retracing Your Steps

Amelius at 11:32AM, March 3, 2019

Last time we discussed how many new readers may read your work backwards on the first visit, and today I'm going to expand on that a little more. There's more to say on this? Well of course, because reading your own comic backwards also is a useful creative ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Scarred Eden

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 6, 2019

Beatrice has been experiencing the same disturbing dream for the last 8 years. Sometimes she can barely wake from them. She always sees a woman with yellow eyes. THIS time the woman spoke to her… “Let me out”. What does it mean? Is it more than just a dream? Is ...

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