When you hate your characters!

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Aug. 31, 2018

You’ve gone through the arduous process of fleshing out your world, the themes and the lore and you’re standing back looking at your shining new playground; but there is a blight standing right in the centre that you can no longer ignore. You hate your characters. Maybe it ...

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Where DO you need Planning for your Plot?

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 11, 2018

So there's a lot of talk and discussion on how to approach the creation of your webcomic (or novel, or short story) regarding planning out your plot, the degrees of planning out, and the option of flying by the seat of your pants.

I have done both, both in ...

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Making Bad Guys Intimidating

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 4, 2018

Every hero goes up against a villain. Every protagonist against an antagonist. This is the main clash that drives your story, any story, forward be it slice of life or epic drama.

One of the elements that can make this driving force compelling, that will make the clash interesting and ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Children of the Gods

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 11, 2018

What happens when ordinary people suddenly become massively super-powered, possessed of abilities well outside of the dreams of any normal person? Comics tell us they become either super heroes or super villains, this comic looks at it another way… They become gods. Or at least that's how they think ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Generation Bad

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 13, 2018

Maureen is a happy go lucky student, just wanting nothing more than to go and see her favourite band with her best friend. But it looks like that's not going to happen… this is a world filled with super powered supervillains and only a tiny handful of heroes to ...

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The Black, The White and the Grey (part 2)

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, April 21, 2018

This title of course is thanks to Ozoneocean who came up with it in our quackcast (whcih you should totally listen to) last week, and I loved it, so here it is :D

Last week I talked about how a hero or a villain don't need to have “gray ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Empress Mother Earth's Handmaiden

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 18, 2018

Ursula Nolan was a thoroughly corrupt businesswoman, a wanton destroyer of the natural world and an all ‘round unpleasant human being. Driven by childhood tragedy to betray the ideals her parents held dear, she rose to power over their once noted environmentally responsible company and turned it to far darker ...

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Gray, Black and White (part 1)

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, April 14, 2018

I had to hold myself back from making a 50 shades joke so badly I feel chafing from the restraints.

But this isn't about what you think- i.e. using grayscale or black and white rather than colour in a webcomic.

Rather, this is about a webcomic's characters ...

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Bad Ideas

Banes at 12:00AM, March 29, 2018
tags: bad, banes, ideas, thursday

It's easy to get lost in uncertainty, anxiety and self doubt when creating something. I often find myself spinning my wheels when working on a story, character, or what have you.

An interesting technique that I use all the time is the TEN BAD IDEAS list.

It goes like ...

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Making Evil Good is Blunt Fudge

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, March 17, 2018

Earlier today Ozoneocean made a pretty interesting post at Facebook, regarding how demons are depicted in modern culture as opposed to how they were earlier, and especially what they symbolized in western culture: they are now generally depicted as sexy, good, glittering, or misunderstood. If they are doing negative things ...

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