Today's featured comic is Death Apprentice!

skoolmunkee at 1:12AM, March 13, 2008

A young boy, convinced of his own uselessness, sits down near a bridge in the snow to have a good mope. Soon he gets a strange visitor, Death, who takes the boy with him because he needs an apprentice. The boy must have promise, although Death finds him annoying and ...

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A new Drunk Duck Creator Interview is UP!

skoolmunkee at 12:20AM, March 3, 2008

It's a long one this time- I asked the same questions of 4 creators who have an overweight character in their comic. It's quite interesting to read, in my opinion! Especially when it comes to where and why their answers differ! So this week's interview features:

IronSpike ...

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hot water for me!

skoolmunkee at 12:37PM, Feb. 26, 2008

I'm gonna make this quick because I intend to limp off to the bath and have Calgon take me away!

The lovely Pictures of You by Gibson Twist has posted its 200th page!

crocty's Frank and Vinny has reached its 100th page, and is also 1 year old ...

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A special plea from skoolmunkee!

skoolmunkee at 4:50PM, Feb. 23, 2008

OK guys, I'm going to reveal a secret here. A BIG one.

The average number of clicks a featured comic can expect to get (if it has a good thumbnail and blurb) is about 7,000 views its first day of being featured. In a few notable instances (recently ...

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Oh the weather outside is frightful~

Black_Kitty at 8:57PM, Feb. 4, 2008

But the snow was definitely not delightful. :(

Anyhow, I'm slipping in with some PQs from my ever full PQ box! Let's begin with milestones shall we? Shall we? Yes we shall!

Timmy And The Bleach and Growth managed to put two and five together to form 25! (Pages ...

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My cooker is broken! :[

skoolmunkee at 12:24PM, Feb. 4, 2008

How are you? Good? That's good. Good!

OK guys, I'll tell you something: I've been naughty. I've had lots of PQs for newsposts for a while now and been too lazy to make the newspost. I know, I'm a disappointment to us all. :[ So, let ...

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Time machine please!

Black_Kitty at 10:03PM, Jan. 20, 2008

There's apparently an election for the position of DrunkDuck Overlord!

Starting Monday the election season on Drunk Duck will be officially starting. The Overlord ‘08 contest begins where some of DD’s top artists will calling for your endorcement, vote, fan art and servitude as they run for for ...

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Man why it rainin so much lately

skoolmunkee at 1:39AM, Jan. 15, 2008

I'm hijacking this newspost to make my announcements first! Because I can.

Firstly, we've had a bit more trouble lately filling 3 featured comics spots a week. I'm not saying the good comics aren't there any more, I'm just saying we've been pretty busy ...

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I want socks with individual toes!

skoolmunkee at 5:45AM, Jan. 7, 2008

Man I need to do these more often. However like other resolutions, it will come to naught!

keithmccleary tells me that Killing Tree Quarterly has wrapped up… but that he does have more comic plans for the near future! Also, I don't think enough people read his interview. Do ...

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Five Golden Touques!

skoolmunkee at 2:06PM, Dec. 21, 2007

I messed up this bit like three times so here it is for reals! Jen X by comicbookguy2007 has reached 50 pages! Congrats! (sorry about messing it up so much…)

I just wanted to let you know that floodgatemartyr was the winner of the Kung Fu Rabbit Fan Art ...

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