A very special interview - if you like comics, you should read it

skoolmunkee at 11:44AM, March 19, 2009

Today we have a unique interview courtesy of Hyena H_ll and Drasnus - all the questions and answers are done as comics! You should really check out Hyena H_ll interviews Drasnus of Lacerated Veil!

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FEATURE FEATURE!!! --> Legend of Setar

Ozoneocean at 11:36PM, March 18, 2009



Don't you love cat girls? I do. This is a world full of them! It's a dark, stormy night. The Amana family is being slaughtered by the mysterious and savage Zara… This is a land where supernatural forces hold sway, gods intervene in the mortal realm though ...

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Monday's news!

skoolmunkee at 2:52AM, March 16, 2009

More round 6 Interviews today GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!
Round 6: kitty17 interviews Crocty of Frank and Vinny! GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL

Mafia 4 needs YOU! Games 1, 2, and 3 were all great successes- but the Mafia won round 3! Are you townies gonna let them get away with that? Stand up ...

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Heroes By Hand ---> Thursday's Feature!!!

Ozoneocean at 2:39AM, March 12, 2009



Paper Heroes are a silly bunch of funny heroes. There's Shape, Meteor, Raven, Pirate, and others, all with there own special skills and comedic talents. There isn't much more to say about them really, it's a good looking humorous gag comic about silly superheroes. Highspeed comics ...

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New interview, 2 contests, and lots of milestones this Monday!

skoolmunkee at 12:52AM, March 9, 2009

OK all- on Saturday we had the last of the interviews from Round 5. We've had 30 of these interviews come in this year, pretty amazing don't you think? And there's even more coming- Round 6 is underway and we have new ones next week! Maybe I ...

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Quite a lot of news for a Thursday!

skoolmunkee at 10:23AM, March 5, 2009

Thursday's interview is a bit different from the others- firstly, it has pictures, and that makes anything you read better. Second it's by smkinoshita, who REALLY likes interviewing people, and it's pretty clear he has a lot of fun doings so: Round 5: smkinoshita interviews JillyFoo of ...

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Saturday news fix!

skoolmunkee at 6:40AM, Feb. 28, 2009

Today we've got an extra (special) interview done by some users – remember that interviews outside the Quack with the Ducks project are welcome!

So, today we've got Eddie Jensen interviewing the young and talented literacysuks1 of Acrobat! (It was recently featured, in case you missed it!)

Don ...

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Who wants some Thursday news?

skoolmunkee at 9:46AM, Feb. 26, 2009

Thursday's Quack with the Ducks interview is:
JillyFoo interviews NickGuy of Kung Fu Komix! This one is really interesting! :]

DD has two successful games of Mafia under its belt- they've both been surprisingly exciting! The townies almost lost the last game, being unable to kill the guardian angel ...

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Lots of news today! Interviews, Mafia, publicity, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:08AM, Feb. 12, 2009

Today's QWtD interview: Mutation interviews kaleygeminni, of Geminni! Get reading!

And in a complete coincidence, kaleygeminni's Geminni reached 100 pages yesterday!

The most recent few interviews have not gotten any replies yet which makes me very sad- if you are reading them, I'm sure that a simple ...

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FEATURE Thursday! -The Hub-

Ozoneocean at 10:59PM, Feb. 11, 2009


The Hub.
There's this poor guy, he's just out to have some fun, you know? Maybe meet a nice chick, go back to her place and have some more fun… But it doesn't work out that way. Instead he ends up drinking all night and wakes up ...

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