THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Soul Symphony

Ozoneocean at 9:41PM, July 1, 2010

Poor Olivia. She just wants to be cynical, introverted and play her clarinet in peace, but annoying spirit Carl is having none of that! It is now the job of young Olivia Myers, with the help of Carljungan (who looks like a “cross between a rat and a kangaroo” ) to ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Proceed to Eden

Ozoneocean at 6:47AM, June 24, 2010

Simon dies, he commits suicide. You see, he had a really crappy life and just fell deeper and deeper into depression… But it looks like he might have a second chance. There are things he'll have to do to earn it though.
Proceed to Eden is a colourful graphic ...

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DD change of owners: Platinum Studios --> Wowio

Ozoneocean at 3:13AM, June 9, 2010


(see, like Pokemon, we've evolved)

Ownership of our wonderful and mighty Drunk Duck has changed hands to Wowio!
-Actually, that happened a week or so ago, but now it's anounceable.

“Hang on”, you might say, "isn't Wowio owned by Plat anyway?"
Well no, not for a while ...

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Super gigantic newspost coming to destroy your city, news at 11

skoolmunkee at 5:15AM, Feb. 7, 2010

Hellooooooooooo! It's a long one this time around, because I didn't manage to get an earlier newspost done this week. It's been pretty busy for me but things are a little slower now. Much thanks to Oz who picked up my slack (especially during the stuff after ...

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I guess I should make a newspost!

skoolmunkee at 3:59PM, Jan. 31, 2010

Guess what! Last week, Carnies turned 25 pages old! “25 pages without filler” that is. :]

Guess what other comic reached 25 pages last week! Kombat Kubs, by Wordweaver_three and harkovast!

I guess I should announce that Urban Legends Sketchbook by Legend Comics has also reached 25 pages!

You'll never ...

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Lots of milestones! Oh, and Drunk Duck is getting an on-demand STORE

skoolmunkee at 2:16PM, Jan. 20, 2010

harkovast tells me that his (and ifelldownthestairs's) review comic The Webcomic Review Comic On The Web has reached 25 pages! (26 actually.)

Karrel reached 75 *slams fist on table* I demand my stipulated news post *puts fist in a bucket of ice*

WarriorBorn by cyberdog has posted its ...

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Second newspost of the year! *markedly less fanfare*

skoolmunkee at 10:07AM, Jan. 6, 2010

Okay! Let's get started, shall we?

In reverse order of my inbox, we've got:

On Wednesday, January 6, 2010, @$$hole! turns 250 pages!

Trevor is excited to receive a visit from his online girlfriend Jess (see the 2008 and 2009 Drunk Duck Awards for Best Romance Comic ...

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Well okay, two more interviews then!

skoolmunkee at 10:59AM, Dec. 7, 2009

Oh heck why not? I'll post up these other two interviews too!

Pieguy259 interviews legomegacy of My Sister the Demon and others!

What first inspired you to create it? Where did it come from?'s tricky and funny. I mentioned before I was a photographer. I do ...

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Monday Feature - TERRA

skoolmunkee at 11:53PM, Aug. 23, 2009

It's probably a good thing that humanity hasn't found any other sentient life in the universe, if many sci-fi comics are anything to go by. There's always an intergalactic war going on, and the humans are usually the jerks. For example, let's take Terra: Earth is ...

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