Monday's feartured comic is............ FAULTS!

Ozoneocean at 10:50PM, Dec. 21, 2008

Faults is… random. I don't like that word, but it's best here. This comic is all over the place, but it's funny and the art style is colourful and awesome. What's it about? Well it's a humour comic about a bunch of young friends and ...

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It's Tuesday, do you know where your weekend is?

skoolmunkee at 2:19AM, Dec. 16, 2008

Go a Viking: The Sword of Kings reached 100 pages on Monday, with the beginning of Book 2! Bravo1102 tells me that it updates with two pages every Monday and Thursday because ‘it’s a long story so gotta keep it going'!

Also on Monday, worstcase reached 125 Faults! (Pages ...

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Hero by Night on TV!

skoolmunkee at 11:45AM, Nov. 16, 2008

Hero by Night on TV!

Many people on Drunk Duck are aware of DJ Coffman's Comic Book Challenge-winning project Hero by Night (you can read lots ofHero by Night stuff here on DD, there are also full books available)- well, a deal has been done and now HBN ...

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skoolmunkee's rules for success

skoolmunkee at 11:32AM, Nov. 16, 2008

skoolmunkee's rules for success

1. Get out of the house

Morning Squirtz by slimredninja &co. is getting an “artist spotlight” from Hustler Humor in their next issue, featuring 4 of their comics! Keep an eye out for that! (If you're old enough to buy it- or at least ...

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I totally started this before Ozone posted his but it took a long time to put together because there

skoolmunkee at 3:21AM, Nov. 10, 2008

Drunk Duck Secret Santa Signups!

Crossover High by Maverik & co. has been on Drunk Duck for a year! We're glad to have you. :)

JP's Bearly Abel has hit the 25 page mark! Congrats on the first milestone!

The following comics are 50 pages old!

Awesome by therealtj (and ...

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It's peanut butter santa time!

skoolmunkee at 4:43PM, Nov. 4, 2008

Hello everyone, I am back! Actually I have been back for almost 2 weeks now (geez) but for some reason I spent most of my free time playing on my 360. Oblivion is a WONDERFUL time waster. I love those Ayleid ruins.

Ozone had a pretty good idea with these ...

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Extra: Vice & Virture, Silvershot, and Safety man hit 50!

Ozoneocean at 10:03PM, Oct. 7, 2008

Milestones! Ozone style… Ozonestones.
Remember Skool is away on holiday till the 24th so news goes to SpANG and Ozoneocean ;)

These milestones:

Loam's sexy Vice and Virtue has hit the big 50!

Priceman's dynamic Silvershot has also reached the 10x5! -not including the extra pages, so there's ...

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Small bit of admin business

skoolmunkee at 2:40AM, Sept. 23, 2008

My PQ box is full and I haven't read any of them yet, so it may be that people have pre-empted me on these:

1. Anyone who sent me a PQ on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (but not Monday, when the site was back up) will need to re-send ...

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Wouldn't you just love some news?

skoolmunkee at 1:57AM, Sept. 19, 2008

Salt the Holly by amanda reached 100 pages on Thursday, one day before Talk Like a Pirate Day (today)!

Used Books hit 600 pages, also on Thursday! That's a big number… I don't have 600 anything.

Aussie_kid's Golden Gamers has hit page 550- “so anyone who needs ...

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In case you didn't know...

SpANG at 6:53AM, Sept. 13, 2008

The winner of the COMIC BOOK CHALLENGE has been announced! Congrats to Carlos Weiser with THE ARMAGEDDON CHRONICLES!

So um… Just ignore those “Vote here, Vote now” banners… mkay?

Also, Insanity of Xade turned 75 pages old on Friday! Way to go!

There are many more pages than that ...

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