Reintroducing the TOP DRAWER!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 11, 2017
tags: Drawer, The, Top

I'm indulging in what could be a problematic experiment. Bear with me…
In the history of this amazing webcomics hosting community there was a dark and interesting place in time and space, we called it “the Top Drawer”. Think about New York in the 1970s: dangerous, sexy, sleazy, unsafe ...

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Reflecting on Reflection Characters

Banes at 12:00AM, July 20, 2017

Reflection Characters

When I was doing a little reading on the “Mentor” character type, I learned about something called “Reflection Characters”. It was an eye opener; I'd never heard of this before, though I could instantly see how it made sense in storytelling, and dozens of examples came to ...

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Drawing Attention #2

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 14, 2017
tags: Nepath, newspost

Continuing to expand my knowledge and discover comics on The Duck that I had previously let slip by me, last week I found something amazing. A comic that seems low down in the ranking of it's genre. A comic that has only 10 Likes (including me) at time of ...

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Where's Chuck?

Banes at 12:00AM, July 13, 2017
tags: retcons

Where's Chuck? - Retcons

Hello again!

On the previous Quackcast we talked about retcons - here's that episode if you care to listen:

A retcon is a little tricky to define perfectly, but I guess it boils down to an alteration ...

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Drawing Attention

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 30, 2017

I am going to be writing an article bi-monthly for The Duck until I either run out of things to say, or more likely, they tell me to stop. I decided that i wanted to focus on comics on the site that in my opinion deserve a little more limelight ...

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Superheroes & The Duck!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 9, 2017

Guest newspost by Nepath

Firstly, let me get the self-promotion out of the way. Sunday just gone I started a third story arc for my comic Energize (, which originally launched on this site, 10 years ago that day. It's called Energize and if you like ...

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FEATURED COMIC ------> Kayn the Kourageous.

Genejoke at 12:00AM, May 31, 2017

In the near future a pandemic has wiped out much of the population. Most of the survivors are left with special powers and are referred to as AM's (amplified humans). Kayn is a throwback to bygone days and has no gifts, except he has done a deal with a ...

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At the End of the Day, We All Revert to Our Seventh Grade Selves

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 22, 2017

Before I begin, I must preface that this news article is brought to you by the workings of a large iced dark roast coffee (black) and a large unsweetened iced green tea. This magical concoction of caffeine has offered a rush of thoughts and clarity to the regular thoughts that ...

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Archetypal Events – Staples in Devising Plot (part 4)

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 20, 2017

So here we are after the brief intermission, back to talking about archetypes from our friend Jung.
As of course is natural, all stories have to have a plot in order to be engaging and be in a position to make their points and get them across because the alternative ...

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HyenaHell at 12:00AM, May 19, 2017

As all y'all probably are well aware, I am a hilarious genius. All cartoonists are hilarious geniuses; we have to be! Well, half the time anyway- the other half we spend hating ourselves and overcompensating for our inadequacies. It's a storied and well-documented tradition dating back to the ...

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