QUACKCAST Episode 69 - Dude with a problem, screenwriting part 2

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 20, 2012


DUDE… where's my problem? In this truly excellent number sixty nine Quackcast we get to the second part of our exploration of screenwriting techniques. We quickly recap on last weeks story structure outline and genres and then move on to talking about three NEW genres: Out of ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 68 - Save the cat for the screenwriting

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 13, 2012


This marks the beginning of our story writing month! We're focusing exclusively and intensively on the art of writing, following on naturally from Kroatz's clever take on the concept of the monomyth. Bane's special interest and expertise is in scriptwriting, particularly movie screenwriting, so this ...

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Character Development milestone!

skoolmunkee at 2:37AM, March 4, 2012

Gunwallace's Character Development has reached 550- no wait- 555 pages, which is the area code for most U.S. T.V. onscreen phone numbers. Now he just needs another, what, five and a half million pages to make a number you could try calling?

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royduncan100, Utterly Rucked, Keeping up with Thursday, the meebo bar, Quackcast!

skoolmunkee at 4:00AM, Oct. 19, 2011

royduncan100 is kind of like DD's resident shock jock. He loves to get people's attention and rile up responses. I have no idea how much of what he does or says is genuine opinion and how much is designed to elicit reactions- he does like to play up ...

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Uploading and Logging In will be disabled July 1st, 3pm (PDT). New site to launch July 5th. DETAILS

srhdt at 9:58AM, June 30, 2011

Site Re-launch: The Plan

Hi everyone,

So we are now only a few days away from the scheduled relaunch of the new Duck Webcomics site.

Several of you have been wondering about the migration plan. When will it happen? What is involved? How long will it take? What happens to ...

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Thor's Thundershack interview, and where did all these milestones come from?!

skoolmunkee at 11:44AM, March 2, 2011

http://www.drunkduck.com/community/view_topic.php?tid=55712 or at least that's the most digits my calculator's screen can hold.

I update Thursday and Sunday, although honestly, it's often Friday and Monday. My rule is that, as long as it's Thursday or Sunday somewhere; I ...

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There's a NEW DrunkDuck on the way, with a bunch of improvements!

srhdt at 11:50AM, Feb. 11, 2011

Hi everyone!

So as many of you may recall, a few months ago we attempted to implement a redesigned version of the site. Unfortunately, we attempted to implement the new look (and a handful of features) on top of DrunkDuck's existing code. Some of you might recall the results ...

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Couple of milestones, and The Assemblers has finished!

skoolmunkee at 10:47AM, Oct. 10, 2010

Survival Artist's The Assemblers (which you may remember being featured) has finished! That's right, it's done. Survival Artist would like to say, “It's been quite a ride and I couldn't have done it without DD support, and the readership the feature got me didn't ...

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It's Monday! DD Awards finalists announced, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 8:52AM, July 27, 2010

A couple people have asked, so I thought I'd mention it specifically- but since the WowioTV screen took over the main page all weekend, I didn't feature a new comic today, since I wanted Thursday's feature to get proper coverage. :] There will be a new feature as ...

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Some people having problems with the new page uploader- where to report them?!

skoolmunkee at 12:27PM, June 22, 2010

Wowio is trying out some changes to the page uploading system, and while most people aren't experiencing any problems, some people are hitting bugs and so forth. We understand it's frustrating!

What we need you guys to do is, if you want to report a bug or problem ...

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