Point of view 2 - Unreliable Narrators

Banes at 12:00AM, Aug. 29, 2019
tags: banes, pov, thursday


Last week we talked a little pov basics.

This time, how about we talk the fascinating device called the Unreliable Narrator. For anyone who doesn't know, this type of narration (usually first person in prose, but not necessarily) tells the story in question…but is not necessarily giving ...

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QUACKCAST 441 - Cooperation = cool

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 27, 2019

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Cooperation Vs Competition. For decades the mantra was competition is good: it produces progress and makes things better… Well that's actually false. Competition is what you ...

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Cooperation vs. Competition in Comics

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 24, 2019

Ozoneocean suggested this topic, and I am intrigued to explore it.

I've made a good few posts about assorted drama in the comic world, especially between different factions and concerning different approaches to the art. Often that is addressed from a strictly ideological point of view. But today I ...

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Characters falling flat

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Aug. 23, 2019

The lifeblood of your comic is the characters in it. They offer a way for the audience to be invested in the world and contextualise any conflicts that will inevitably occur. So it is important that the characters don’t come across as flat. A flat character is one dimensional ...

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On Spoilers

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 17, 2019

So, full disclosure: I am spoiler immune.

I don't really care if I know how a story ends, or where the twist is. I might even enjoy it more as I anticipate it. I will watch the movie without issue and still enjoy it just as much.

Granted, when ...

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On Time Travel Yarns

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 3, 2019

Time travel is a narrative trap. It's quicksand.

It's very alluring to use, being able to put a person from one historical era into another and watch as shenanigans ensue, but very quickly, a writer (and often the audience too) discovers that it quickly unravels, and the story ...

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Knowing when to end

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Aug. 2, 2019

When Stranger Things ended their first season I didn’t feel that there was a need to continue. The character’s had had their arcs come full circle, most loose ends were neatly tied and, despite the ending being left slightly ambiguous, for the most part, it was wrapped up ...

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How Realistic Can Animation Be Before It is Not Considered Animation?

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 22, 2019

In an attempt to cool down during the heatwave that has taken over two-thirds of the country, all Saturday was spent at the movie theater watching Toy Story 4 and the new Iive-action Lion King movie on IMAX. Toy Story 4 picked up where Toy Story 3 left off and ...

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