New Interview Is Posted - Riots in Drunk Duckville

skoolmunkee at 3:23AM, Aug. 31, 2009

That's right, more interviews! Today, it's gullas interviews JayFantasico and McFadyn of Louder Than Bombs! You will like it!

I noticed that you made a thread about “inking with a knife”? Explain further, please?

JF: During our break, Chops wanted to try new things and see if he ...

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Here is some news, also I am resigning as governor of a state

skoolmunkee at 4:20AM, July 4, 2009

I think I can argue that I made a better governor than some :smug:

Brood Knight is now on sale:

Uncle Dumok's CLEAN comic Alter-Verse just hit 25 pages… that's right folks I am actually doing a CLEAN webcomic!

Animania by Poonipoonz has hit the 400 ...

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Has there been a lot of news this week or what? (No deaths in this newspost)

skoolmunkee at 1:17AM, June 29, 2009

It's been awhile, but I wanted to drop a line and let you know that “Top of the Heap,” which debuted on the Duck last November, is now a printed book available from my publisher, Terminal Press.

The story follows a group of circus animals stranded in the ...

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Mafia, interview, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 9:07AM, May 7, 2009

Hey everybody! It's time to sign up for the next round of Mafia! I can't think of anyone who has given this game a try and hated it, so that must mean that if you try it you will like it too! They are changing the rules up ...

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Interview and milestones! Then, nap-time!

skoolmunkee at 8:12AM, Feb. 18, 2009

I submit for your enjoyment, DarkChibiShadow interviews kali and confusedsoul (of Angels of Shadows, Book of Desolation, and others)! Huge thanks to those who have been reading and commenting on these, I am sure the people who have done these are glad to know they're enjoyable!

Lots of milestones ...

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the many milestones of monday

skoolmunkee at 4:40AM, Jan. 12, 2009

There's a lot of news today! In reverse order of my inbox:

It seems that DD user CrazyGazelle (creator of Soprano Man) has died over the weekend. Although the comic hasn't updated in a while she may still have connections here and her friends thought we should know ...

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Hot off the press, a bunch of links for you! (10.31)

skoolmunkee at 12:45PM, Oct. 31, 2006

josif's messed up… I mean, josif's comic's messed up… I mean, nothing is messed up, just that josif's comic, it's messed up… anyway, he would like me to announce that his comic is starting “Version 2.0” where the art style has changed majorly (in ...

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Gobble gobble~

Black_Kitty at 4:57PM, Oct. 11, 2006

It was Canadian Thanksgiving last Monday. :D I ate chicken though.

Contests! Contests! Subcultured would like everyone to know that he's holding a contest! The one with the most detailed critique of his comic Dreams in Synergy can request a painting of whatever they like from him. :D

Jillyfoo ...

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Drunk Duck Lucky Bag

skoolmunkee at 12:05PM, Feb. 13, 2006

Hello guys and guy-ettes!

I know how excited you all get when someone makes a newspost so I thought I would feed the fire a little.

Comic Anniversary!
Did you know that the Tuesday, February 14th is the 500th comic of Yami no Tainai? I think you will agree with ...

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