Belated milestones and a Quackcast reminder!

skoolmunkee at 12:35PM, Aug. 5, 2011

Sameth had two milestones which missed getting announced because I lost his PQ when the old ones got imported… but I've got them now! And now I'm giving them to you! Along with a third!

Dragon City's mailbag segment “Ask Professor Rachel” (which is done every Wednesday ...

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List of site issues fixed 7-19-11

srhdt at 5:13PM, July 19, 2011

Hey everyone,

Bugs/Issues fixed 7-19-11:
- Bulk uploading functionality re-enabled! You should be able to upload up to 10 pages at a time now.

- Image compression has been removed for all uploaded pages moving forward, below 960px wide. We're still finalizing the best way to implement this fix for ...

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Uploading and Logging In will be disabled July 1st, 3pm (PDT). New site to launch July 5th. DETAILS

srhdt at 9:58AM, June 30, 2011

Site Re-launch: The Plan

Hi everyone,

So we are now only a few days away from the scheduled relaunch of the new Duck Webcomics site.

Several of you have been wondering about the migration plan. When will it happen? What is involved? How long will it take? What happens to ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> Shades of Grey

Ozoneocean at 10:51PM, June 15, 2011

Young Ten has a difficult road ahead of him, he wants to be a space pilot but there's a lot of challenges he'll have to face. Meet his friends and get involved in his life in this wonderfully compelling, interesting, sometimes pretty funny, surprising and always entertaining SciFi ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 26 - Build Audience, Work Hard, Profit! Part 1

Ozoneocean at 4:43AM, May 10, 2011

For the first of this two-parter on making money with webcomics, Skoolmunkee and Ozoneocean are joined by Ronson a.k.a. Chuck Rowles, creator of “The Gods of Arr-Kelaan” and former DD admin.

Listen to QUACKCAST Episode 26 - Build Audience, Work Hard, Profit! Part 1

Site News:
- Kickstarter for The ...

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MONDAY FEATURE -> Fantastic Tales

skoolmunkee at 1:54AM, April 4, 2011

This silver-age superhero homage comic features Fighting Shield and Rock Solid, along with Lavender and a number of other agents and heroes. The first issue is the “origin issue,” where a man named Colonel Anderson is earning the title of Fighting Shield, and where Rock Solid transforms from scientist to ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:52AM, Feb. 24, 2011

FAIL: Fascists for American Integrity and Leadership. Conspiracy! FAIL weaves one hell of a beautiful conspiracy. Ever wondered at the connections between 9/11, wars, wikileaks, the economy…? Well instead of those annoying tinfoil hat theories, this comic makes them all part of an entertaining story, stick with it, it ...

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QuackCast 15 Part 1 - How to Advertise Your Webcomic, Make Friends and Influence People!

skoolmunkee at 12:19AM, Feb. 15, 2011

Click here to go to the QuackCasts page!

Episode 15 Part 1 - How to Advertise Your Webcomic, Make Friends and Influence People!
Feb 15, 2011

Part 1 of another extra-long podcast, all about advertising and external promotion. Get noticed!

Topics and Show Notes
* Contest announcements
* Featured Comic: Ponzi http://www ...

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Monday Feature -> AUSLANDER

skoolmunkee at 12:04AM, Jan. 31, 2011

The world is changing, and the rough-and-tumble human residents of Sunset City don't always like the new arrangements. Especially not when the elfin Sheriff Lain rides into their town on a unicorn. The wild-west town does have a healthy non-human population (minotaurs, fairies, leprechauns, etc.) but it looks like ...

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Ozoneocean at 5:44AM, Jan. 13, 2011

Trig and his dragon friend Artex and trying to work out why piles of scrap metal are being mysteriously dumped into a mall… through a portal into a parallel universe. And then they're attacked by zombie policemen! Meanwhile a young wolfboy is wondering around with a rat on his ...

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