Thursday's featured comic is AHAB!

skoolmunkee at 1:37AM, May 1, 2008

Ahab from the literature classic Moby Dick gets a re-envisioned in this moody stark black and white comic where we follow our titular character as his journey carries him from his battle with the legendary white whale to the dark illusionary world at the bottom of the sea. The ghoulish ...

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What ho, gentle readers!

skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, March 21, 2008

I say old chums and chumettes! I dare say I have got some tid-bits of information which you mayest be interested in! Like a good gentle-lady I shall no longer continue to withhold, but will tell you forthwith!

Darlings, you mustn't forget that we've a new interview up ...

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It's Black Kitty's Birthday!

SpANG at 7:37AM, Nov. 5, 2007

… So gives her some love, people!

British Users cannot access Drunk Duck
Due to some unforeseen developments, British users may not be able to access DD for now. If you know a Brit that visits often, please let them know that we are trying to correct the issue. Thanks for ...

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I'm on BK's bandwagon

skoolmunkee at 11:42AM, Oct. 8, 2007

Since I bumped BK's newspost down a bit, could any members of the DD Book 3 anthology (you know, from 2 years ago) PLEASE send her a PQ (if you have not already done so) to let her know if you still want her thingy in the book? If ...

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Hot off the press, a bunch of links for you! (10.31)

skoolmunkee at 12:45PM, Oct. 31, 2006

josif's messed up… I mean, josif's comic's messed up… I mean, nothing is messed up, just that josif's comic, it's messed up… anyway, he would like me to announce that his comic is starting “Version 2.0” where the art style has changed majorly (in ...

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Thursday news is the best kind of delicious

skoolmunkee at 7:31AM, Sept. 7, 2006

Let's see what's on my list for today!

First up, Please help Lea Hernandez. The link leads to more info, but if you like comics and their creators and think it's bad when their house burns down and kills their pets and leaves them homeless and without ...

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Well what do you know?

skoolmunkee at 2:54AM, March 17, 2006

Sorry the updates have been fewer and farther between lately. We aren't completely organized yet (also we like to keep major things on the front page, if we can).

Would someone who went to the UK Mini and Web Comics Thing like to send me an email or PM ...

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