Be smart, shop at Malo Mart!

skoolmunkee at 9:53AM, July 25, 2007

There are lots of bugs popping up around the site lately, most of them having to do with various images, updating problems, and possibly the Alerter. Lots of people have made forum threads asking what is going on, unfortunately we don't really have an answer right now for them ...

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Okay this time I was just slacking.

skoolmunkee at 10:23AM, June 27, 2007

This just in, everyone needs to Send Black Kitty a PQ to tell her how great she is and how much you love her. No reason! I just think she's great and I'm sure I'm not the only one. (If you don't like her don't ...

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The first of the shorter newsposts - except it isn't very short

skoolmunkee at 3:26PM, May 14, 2007

Hey guys, we're trying to do shorter but more frequent newsposts. That does mean they get bumped off the front page a little faster, but it also means they're all a little shorter, and there's new stuff more often on the main page.

So if you sent ...

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Would you rather ride on a train, dance in the rain, or feel no pain? (Oh and here's some news)

Black_Kitty at 11:51PM, Jan. 15, 2007

Firstly, Skoolmunkee is asking that anyone who has sent in news within the last week to please send it to her again.

Edit from skoolmunkee with some recovered news!
carrollhach would like people to know:

Clench and Cheese is going to hit 100 next week and I'm going to ...

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Boo to the yah! We've got a new update!

Volte6 at 4:11PM, Oct. 20, 2006

Hey guys,

It's been a little while without a news update, so here's a quicky!

Girl/Robot is giving away buttons to those who want them! Get the details here!

D.J. Coffman has finally started putting up pages of the Hero by Night Diaries! This is sort ...

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Do what to the duck now?

skoolmunkee at 6:36AM, Aug. 6, 2006

Okay so, I'm getting Lasik on Tuesday, and I've had to wear my glasses for the past week (rather than my contacts). My frames are really annoying so I take them off when I'm at the computer, because I can see the screen well enough to read ...

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And I follow closely behind~

Black_Kitty at 2:26PM, April 27, 2006

Just adding to the newsposts. :)

ccs1989 got his first book published! You can get Assassin Assassin Book One at Lulu if you click right here!

The 1000th (yes, one thousand O.o) Elijah and Azuu comic is coming up soon and Inkmonkey is planning a fanart special this coming Wednesday ...

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Saturday newsbit

Black_Kitty at 12:19AM, March 4, 2006

Hey guys! Friendly neighbourhood cat on the Internet here with your weekly dose of news! :) Happy news first~

hpkomic proposed an awesome idea on the forums: sponsor a comic. Noticed a comic that's not getting the comments they should? Why not sponsor them by providing a link to that ...

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