contest and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 11:16AM, Jan. 5, 2009

As it's the new year and all, now might be a pretty good time to embark on some new adventures…. adventures in Networking and Community Projects! There's always some kind of community project going on there, and it usually doesn't take much to get involved. Give it ...

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I'm not even sure what day it is, I love long vacations! And oh yeah, news

skoolmunkee at 6:51AM, Dec. 30, 2008

In no particular order!

Lacerated Veil by Drasnus is 1 year old!

ghostrunner's Grin-n-Spirit has hit 375!

Safety Man by Signz has reached 100 pages!

NightSSc7's Mayhem: The Comic has just hit 125!

The Temple of a Thousand Tears recently reached it's 150 page milestone! With ...

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A lot of news today, but lots of good stuff! Interviews, print stuff, contests....

skoolmunkee at 12:10PM, Dec. 12, 2008

Heeeeeeeeey did you know that the Drunk Duck Secret Santa gifts are being posted?!?!?!?! I did! And now I'm telling you! DD Secret Santa Gift Thread - witness the generosity and talent of your fellow members!

Vakanai tells me that The War of the Bands could use some poking with ...

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Your midweek news fix!

skoolmunkee at 2:21PM, Dec. 9, 2008

Kyupol's Brood Knight CLASSICS has reached 25 pages!

Harkovast has also reached 25 pages!

Magical Misfits has reached 800!

House of the Muses Miniseries now available through Lightning Source, Inc.

Pam Harrison (House of the Muses) has just signed on with Lightning Source for for Full Distribution Services ...

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Saturday night's all right for fightin'

skoolmunkee at 2:13PM, Dec. 6, 2008

Saturday night's all right for fightin'

And if you don't like fightin', there's always news! (I prefer fightin', myself)

Featuring Talking Guinea Pigs (you will have to visit to see if it delivers on its promises) turns 50 on Monday!

Also turning 50 is notmarkflynn's Some ...

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Just a little Sunday night news

skoolmunkee at 10:06AM, Nov. 23, 2008

Drunk Duck Secret Santa Signups end on December 1st! Hurry up and get your name in!

So I was checking out the Comic Review forum and it looks like it could use a little action…. new reviewers are always welcome, and when you've done 4 reviews, you can sign ...

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Today's featured comic is Anathema!

skoolmunkee at 5:31AM, Nov. 17, 2008

Today’s featured comic is Anathema!

Bernadette is a lowly (and clumsy) maid in Lord Wellesley's manor. The other maids don't like her, and are quite glad to see her sent off to a neighbouring estate… one that is reputedly populated by vampires. Although frightened, Bernadette receives some ...

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Hero by Night on TV!

skoolmunkee at 11:45AM, Nov. 16, 2008

Hero by Night on TV!

Many people on Drunk Duck are aware of DJ Coffman's Comic Book Challenge-winning project Hero by Night (you can read lots ofHero by Night stuff here on DD, there are also full books available)- well, a deal has been done and now HBN ...

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I like my coffee like I like a lot of things... like

skoolmunkee at 2:28PM, Nov. 13, 2008

Drunk Duck Secret Santa Signups! Do it! Creepy Santa compels you!

The Dreamer by comic_chic has gone on sale in comic shops! Go buy it- The Dreamer #1 from IDW Publishing! Here's the press release too!

In some particular order:

Armageddon Chronicles Prologue by Ryushin has reached 25 pages ...

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Punk Pink is Thursday's feature!!!

Ozoneocean at 10:01PM, Oct. 29, 2008

Klutzy Tenkyo never expected a new friend to just wash ashore one night, and things only got weirder: from crazed robots to ghost ships, Punk-Pink is a whimsical comedy-adventure not to be missed!
-That's how its creator Hapoppo describes it, and that's pretty spot-on actually. Punk Pink is ...

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