Super special newspost that is not ordinary at all!

skoolmunkee at 11:15AM, Dec. 7, 2010

On December 9, 2010 Attack of the Robofemoids reaches 75 pages with lots of gun fire at attacking aliens. Have to thank all the readers for their support and recent comments.

Quest for Zanvadas by Hunchdebunch has reached 50 pages, and “we finally get introduced to some new characters ...

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Have I got news for you!

skoolmunkee at 9:42AM, Sept. 28, 2010

Well, I have. And here it is. In no particular order whatsoever.

Before I forget! Everyone should have checked out the Drunk Duck Awards 2010 by now! All the winners have been announced, and JustNoPoint has been uploading congratulatory comics, acceptance speech comics, etc as well! So there is a ...

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skoolmunkee at 3:05AM, June 2, 2009

I have posted a new user interview today! You guys should all read it, and the other ones too! Today, bravo1102 interviews TheFlyingGreenMonkey of No Talent (and others)!

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Monday news! And more interviews!

skoolmunkee at 12:40AM, May 18, 2009

We have a new Quack with the Ducks interview up this week! There are more coming, but I was hoping by posting them a little futher in between it would encourage more comments (which is the only indication people get that anyone read it)… to be honest no one has ...

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Saturday's news!

skoolmunkee at 2:14PM, April 18, 2009

I let you guys do all the talking this time!

Just writing to inform you that my comic, Art School Sub Rosa has reached 50 pages today, and as a special bonus page 50 is in colour

also my fanart competition for it is still running until May 31st ...

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Monday news - an interview, an award, and two milestones!

skoolmunkee at 3:10AM, March 2, 2009

Yet more interviews! I hope you've gotten into the habit of reading one every weekday (and a few on weekends too)! Today's new offering is Niccea interviewing SuperSymon (Writer) and MrHades (Artist) of Retake - and don't forget there are some that still seem a bit overlooked so ...

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It's Tuesday, do you know where your weekend is?

skoolmunkee at 2:19AM, Dec. 16, 2008

Go a Viking: The Sword of Kings reached 100 pages on Monday, with the beginning of Book 2! Bravo1102 tells me that it updates with two pages every Monday and Thursday because ‘it’s a long story so gotta keep it going'!

Also on Monday, worstcase reached 125 Faults! (Pages ...

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Haha! Posting before/after Skool can post her news- Monday's feature is Go A Viking Word Of Kings!!

Ozoneocean at 2:38AM, Nov. 10, 2008

Go A Viking is an epic fantasy with Vikings, magic, blood, battle, and high adventure! By Bravo1102, this detailed saga features a mature, intelligent storyline, with compelling characters. But most striking of all is that it's all done with photos of meticulously dressed and posed figurines in historically accurate ...

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It's the 75 page Milestone day today! ^_^

Ozoneocean at 3:31AM, Oct. 11, 2008


-Remember Skool is away on holiday till the 24th so news goes to SpANG and Ozoneocean ;)

First up we have Bravo1102 with Go a Viking. Go there and see an amazing comic made with photos of posable, exquisitely dressed dolls.
Oh and Bravo needs help with layout (probably HTML ...

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