Music for the Mind

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, March 30, 2018

It is taking some time to gather my thoughts on the follow up to last week’s article, so for this post, I thought we could talk about something to helps keep me going and inspired, namely music.

Before Quentin Tarrentino begins a movie he often turns to music as ...

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Bad Ideas

Banes at 12:00AM, March 29, 2018
tags: bad, banes, ideas, thursday

It's easy to get lost in uncertainty, anxiety and self doubt when creating something. I often find myself spinning my wheels when working on a story, character, or what have you.

An interesting technique that I use all the time is the TEN BAD IDEAS list.

It goes like ...

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Using Smart Graphic Design to Soften the Blow of Rejection in an Intelligent Way

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 26, 2018

Earlier this week, I was given the opportunity to write a two-weeks notice/resignation letter for a coworker leaving the same company I work. It was an interesting experience and it allowed me to feel the joys of quitting without actually having to lose my employment, but it did make ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Demon Plague

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 21, 2018

Explode into the fantasy world of Demon Plague deep in the infernal regions of hell, where lava explodes out of the ground without warning and demons fight devils to the death. This is a dark world without mercy or respite but one brave soul, Iago, might yet be able to ...

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Quackcast 364 - JUST DO IT!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 6, 2018


All the planning and set up in the world will never count for anything if you never start your webcomic, so just put your own to paper and begin!
“Getting started on a webcomic” is what we chat about here. I was inspired by PitFace's newspost about a ...

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Mecha Drawing

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 2, 2018

Emma is indisposed today so it's my turn to step into the breach.
What I want to chat about today is how to draw mecha. I draw a lot of it. It's fun, but it's not that easy.
What is “mecha”? Mecha usually refers to futuristic looking ...

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On Stand-Up Comics and Natural Humour

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 26, 2018

Last Wednesday, I was lucky enough to snag some tickets to a stand up comedy club in Downtown San Diego's Gaslamp Quarter. I am an avid fan of Saturday Night Live from the early 2010s/Bill Hader era. Therefore, I constantly stream stand up routines of my favorite comics ...

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Lending a hand | The practice of cross-promotion

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Feb. 23, 2018

The hardest part of creating a webcomic is not the writing or the art, but actually attracting and retaining those coveted pairs of eyes. Building an audience, particularly when you are starting out with no prior projects, feels like a never-ending uphill trek and there more than a few pitfalls ...

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Quackcast 361 - Primordial Creations

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 13, 2018


Today we talk about where our characters began, not their origin stories or why we started writing them but rather what they used to look like! Pitface was inspired to create a thread based on this idea by Emma Clare's newspost series of origin stories. So we just ...

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Depicting Cultures Different than Your Own

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 10, 2018

Depicting a culture different to ours can be a tricky process. There are a ton of pitfalls involved, from showing a stereotypical (right down to racist) almost fetishized version of the actual culture to presenting it in a light directly connected to the author’s/creator’s culture (therefore either ...

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