Notable Changes in the World of Online Video Games

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 11, 2020

On any given day, I usually unwind from a long day at work by logging into Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Online. I use my avatar and beautiful sports cars to drive around the imaginary Los Santos, a city based almost entirely on Los Angeles and the outlying communities. It is ...

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The Means Make the Villain

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 2, 2020

There are the mustache-twirling villains, that enjoy being evil. They're deliciously fun!

Then there are the nutjob villains. Those that are basket cases one way or the other, psychopaths or antisocial, unfettered madmen with a logic of their own that wreaks havoc upon the world. They're also very ...

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Secret Santa 2019 Sign-Ups! (Part 2)

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 2, 2019

Did you know that the last day to sign up for this year’s Secret Santa is Saturday, December 7, 2019, at 11:59 PM? That means this is the final week to decide if you want to join one of Drunk Duck’s longest running community projects and best ...

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Secret Santa 2019 Sign-Ups!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 25, 2019

Usedbook writes:

Anyone up for Secret Santa? For anyone new to the neighborhood, this is an annual DD tradition, although no one is actually in charge, so some random person takes the reign before it gets too late to pull off. Mid-November is starting to push it, so I randomly ...

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So I Finally Saw the Joker...

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 23, 2019

It so happens that as I write these lines, I have a terrible headache. So I can't gather my thoughts enough for the third installment of my discussion of motivations and ideologies and actions, but I think I'm good to write what I'd promised- my review of ...

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The KAMics Reaches its 1,875 Page Milestone!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 21, 2019


On Friday, October 18, The KAMics reached page 1,875 pages.

*Excellent work, KAM, and keep up the good level of production!*

The KAmics are random cartoons and a series from the mind of Keith Alan Morgan. Updates when real life gives him enough ...

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Making Heads Of Thumbnails

Amelius at 12:04PM, April 28, 2019
tags: art, promotion

Here on DD, your thumbnail is your first impression and as such you should take care with your thumbnail, as it is your first chance to make an impression with a reader. Full disclosure, I don't really like our thumbnails here on DD. These stamp style thumbnails are too ...

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Targeted Practice

Amelius at 8:06AM, April 7, 2019

When I see artists just getting into the craft or people simply looking to improve their art ask for advice, the most omnipresent answer is “practice”; I don't like that answer. It assumes the person asking the question doesn't realize this is obvious, and hasn't already been ...

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QUACKCAST 417 - Can we be better?

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 12, 2019

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This is a big, awkward, contentious and fiery subject. What we're talking about in this Quackcast is the current phenomenon of social marketing and how it ...

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Retracing Your Steps

Amelius at 11:32AM, March 3, 2019

Last time we discussed how many new readers may read your work backwards on the first visit, and today I'm going to expand on that a little more. There's more to say on this? Well of course, because reading your own comic backwards also is a useful creative ...

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