The Wii is EXERCISE disguised as a GAME!

SpANG at 5:00PM, Nov. 25, 2007

My arms are sore from boxing. Plus Red Steel is cool game, but annoying at the same time. But anyway…

Milestones and announcements!

A skoolmunkee appears!
The 200th page of Divine Leap was posted Friday!
The skoolmunkee ran away!

ShadowsMyst wants to let us know that Brymstone has reached 25 ...

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THANKS for GIVING us milestones! \o/

SpANG at 9:56AM, Nov. 22, 2007

If you live in America, then HAPPY THANKSGIVING! If you don't live in America, HAPPY… um, DAY!

Here are some announcements for ya!

martylove tells us that his comic, A Couple of Sandwiches Short of a Picnic (Rated M), hit 25 pages recently! Congrats!

Rusty Knight also informs ...

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Hey... YOU! I'm talkin' here!

SpANG at 1:13PM, Nov. 15, 2007

Don't forget that skoolmunkee is back to take your news tidbits, but feel free to send ‘em to me too. I don’t mind doing the occasional newspost either. It gives the impression that I'm actually doing some work! Ha!

Now for some announcements…

oachambers wants to mention ...

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Creator Interview: Fugli of View of Venus!

skoolmunkee at 3:02AM, Nov. 13, 2007

Hey all! I'm back! You can send me your millions of news announcements now! (And if you sent me any before, I deleted all of them, because I announced I wasn't gonna be here and I can't be bothered to check to see if someone else announced ...

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Contests, Printings, Milestones, and Other Cool Announcements!

SpANG at 6:45PM, Nov. 11, 2007

Don't forget about the Fix8 contest!

Okay everyone, check this out…

We're working with a company called Fix8 to put together a freaking awesome contest… here's how it works:

Fix8 has this software that puts a 3d model in place of you when you're on ...

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It's Black Kitty's Birthday!

SpANG at 7:37AM, Nov. 5, 2007

… So gives her some love, people!

British Users cannot access Drunk Duck
Due to some unforeseen developments, British users may not be able to access DD for now. If you know a Brit that visits often, please let them know that we are trying to correct the issue. Thanks for ...

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Yeah, I'm posting the news. You gotta problem with that? :P

SpANG at 11:31AM, Oct. 20, 2007

A new creator interview is up! The lovely skoolmunkee has interviewed Inkmonkey of Elijah and Azuu for you reading pleasure!

What are the pros and cons of doing a comic that runs as long as yours has?
Well, the pro is that I can get more hits from one guy ...

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Stephen King's new book is terrible

skoolmunkee at 12:43PM, Oct. 15, 2007

Hey guys I'm gonna be gone for three weeks so send news items to Black_Kitty or ozoneocean or SpANG, allright?

Man, what I wouldn't give for an automatic sort of submission news thing! Then I could just click and be all, yes, yes, no, yes, HELL no, hmm ...

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Here we go again

skoolmunkee at 10:01AM, Oct. 4, 2007

First announcement is mine! I got dibs!

The next interview will be with inkmonkey of Elijah and Azuu… and, like KC Green's interview, you can send in your own questions for inkmoney! PQ your questions to me (skoolmunkee) but make sure I have them by October 14th!

I ...

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What is this strange emotion I feel?

skoolmunkee at 2:03PM, Oct. 1, 2007

Hey, a new interview is up! hpkomic of Galactic Hub Serreven!
Actually it's a pair of interviews, they go together, like tomatoes and tomahtoes, aluminum and aluminium, elevators and lifts… or maybe not, because neither of them are from England.

BUT, for now you only get part 1, and ...

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