QUACKCAST Episode 94 - character intro webcomic special

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 11, 2012


Banes and I give the webcomics of Drunk Duck a chance to shine! For Quackcast 94 we asked our webcomic creators to write short intros to their comics from their comic character's point of view as a way to creatively advertise their comic in a really fun ...

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DD Awards are coming... and Brave Resistance fan art contest!

skoolmunkee at 8:15AM, Sept. 9, 2012

The Drunk Duck Awards 2012 begins its announcements on Monday! Stay tuned!

from PIT_FACE:

Tantz_Aerine and i have some news for Brave Resistance! we're coming up to our 50th page and thought some celebrating was in order so we're holding a fan art contest.

We still got 4 ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 93 - American Tantz Aerine and Greek Pit Face

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 4, 2012


Banes and I chat with Tantz Aerine and Pitface, two talented and beautiful web-comicing women who are authors of their own great individual works (Without Moonlight and Putrid Meat to name a few) as well as their amazing collaborative WW2 Greek resistance war comic Brave Resistance, featuring dastardly ...

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Wowio Video interview with Comic author Author Robert Heske

Ozoneocean at 11:19AM, Aug. 24, 2012

Author Robert Heske of the Heske Horror comic book line sits down with us at WOWIO Author Showcase to talk about how he found himself writing horror stories and the inspirations he finds to put pen to tablet and the joys of independent publishing.


http://www.youtube.com/watch ...

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Wednesday milestones!

skoolmunkee at 12:03PM, Aug. 22, 2012

Obo Biber's Kung Fu Monkeyface has reached 75 pages and is starting Book 2 with a mystery artist!

Old Batman Comics by skoolmunkee has reached 100 comics!

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QUACKCAST Episode 91 - The Quack Always Casts Twice, 2012 DD radio play

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 21, 2012


Banes introduces the 2012 DD radio play! Maxwell McDuff must face his most diabolical trial yet in… THE DUCK ALWAYS QUACKS TWICE! He's joined by many other notable and fiendish characters in this new and epic adventure involving anvils, Maltese quails, crocodiles, and terrifying torture!
This fine ...

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Quackcast Episode 87 - Up with people: Heroes and Villains

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 24, 2012


What are the Do's and Do Not Do's when it comes to creating protagonists and antagonists??? For Quackcast 87 we asked for people's opinions on making heroes and villains, we asked who are some of your fave heroes and villains? What makes your own characters ...

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THURSDAY FEATURE --> Weedaholic Beverages

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 19, 2012

Weedaholic Beverages is a silly slice of life style gag comic about the ridiculous drug fuelled musings of four friends, along with the etiquette of correct behaviour while under the influence, and various misadventures satiating the munches and dealing with fire! On your face.
The art is stylised, full colour ...

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featured comic --> Karen's Edge

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, July 9, 2012

Karen Banks is an average young lady, on a road trip with her friends. At a rest stop, Karen stumbles across some funny stones and before she knows it, she's waking up on the ground with a fiery portal towering into the sky. Also, her friends are missing. She ...

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Quackcast Episode 84 - Barb Jacobs and her beautiful comics

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 3, 2012


This week we have an interview with another of my webcomic heroes: the fabulously talented Barb Jacobs, Author of the very popular webcomics Xylia and Talisman/Return to Donnely/Return of the Exile - yes, it had each of those names at one stage. Here she shares with us ...

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