Putting yourself out there

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Oct. 8, 2021

One of the hardest parts of creating a webcomic is getting eyes on your work. There are many tools out there that can assist you in finding an audience, yet, at times it feels like you are just shouting into the void. However, there are some things that you can ...

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What Color Are You Feeling Today?

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 23, 2021

Colors have the ability to impact our moods, so being highly conscientious of the colors in nearby surroundings is important.

Although not always evident, color moods can be reflected in fashion selections because the human eye is drawn to specific colors subliminally when selecting outfits.

The color scheme of my ...

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CtW: Normalize the Strange

damehelsing at 12:00AM, Aug. 22, 2021

pst… CtW stands for Changing the World and has to do with my article here - also I really liked everyone's comments in that article, great stuff!

Before the last Sunday I discussed about how tough it is (for me personally) to combine the regular human world as we know ...

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Making mistakes in your art

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Aug. 20, 2021

Three things happened that inspired me to write this article.

1) When reviewing an episode we recently completed for one of our comics, I realised I had missed a key character design aspect of one of our boys. Although it was not egregious, I did notice it, and it has ...

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QUACKCAST 543 - Men writing women writing men writing hilariously badly

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 10, 2021

LISTEN on our new player!
Listen on Stitcher ​​- https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/drunkduck-quackcast
Or TuneinRadio - https://tunein.com/podcasts/Books–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/

Angela frowned in disappointment. Her boobs seemed to grimace in displeasure, nipples pulsing with abject fury. As she walked the heaviness of their bounce echoed her anger ...

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Speaking in tongues - Character voice

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, July 23, 2021

Designing memorable characters doesn’t just stop at their appearance. The manner in which they speak and use body language is integral to building a full picture of who they are as a character as well as how others react to them. Here are some tips on how to make ...

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Why you should edit at every step

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, July 16, 2021

There are many steps involved in creating comics. From planning to plotting, writing, scripting, sketching, pencils, inks or colour, not to mention everything in between! With so many balls in the air, it’s important to take a step back and make time to review. At each stage, where possible ...

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It's the little things

damehelsing at 12:00AM, July 11, 2021

There’s always an issue every artist has at some point and that is having stiff looking characters.

It is incredibly hard to actually have a fluid looking character. Also because, as humans, we are kind of stiff. Not every single person moves smoothly like a Disney character gliding across ...

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Is it Luck?

damehelsing at 12:00AM, June 27, 2021

Have you seen ”The Road to El’Dorado”? If you pay attention to the movie, the whole thing is pretty much based on luck.
Spoilers ahead if you haven’t watched the movie!
We witness luck happening from the start of the movie when Miguel and Tulio have been using ...

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