Ozoneocean at 9:00AM, March 29, 2012

The Red Devil is a professional comic presented by Champion City Comics, and it shows- This is a slick little piece of work! The Red Devil, aka Dublin O'Darby is a devilishly dressed sexy crime-fighting lady with some special powers. Her sidekick Kid Diablo is daring in yellow- she ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 70 - The love between two buddies, Screenwriting part 3

Ozoneocean at 1:14AM, March 27, 2012


In the 3rd part of our 4 part focus on the art of story and screenwriting we have a look at some more interesting and popular story genres; Buddy Love, Fool Triumphant, and Whydunnit! We learn further tricks of the trade and gain more insights into the secret ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 69 - Dude with a problem, screenwriting part 2

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 20, 2012


DUDE… where's my problem? In this truly excellent number sixty nine Quackcast we get to the second part of our exploration of screenwriting techniques. We quickly recap on last weeks story structure outline and genres and then move on to talking about three NEW genres: Out of ...

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More milestones, and a secret bonus announcement!

skoolmunkee at 8:53AM, Feb. 29, 2012

Lena by lenadventures has reached page 50!

DaWaterRat's Muse of a Knight reaches 175 pages on Friday, just in time to start a new chapter!

TKMGK by metsuke is 50 pages old, and that coincides with the birth of co-creator Obo Biber's (Gabe Ostley) son, Ren Ostley! Congrats ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 66 - Why do you do it?

Ozoneocean at 12:10AM, Feb. 28, 2012


After finally definitively vanquishing Ozoneocean last week, Banes is now top dog and chief superhero in the Quackcast universe. He begins his reign by trying to find out from the comicers on DD WHY they write and/or draw their comics, possibly as part of a dastardly plan ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 65 - Men and Women in Tights

Ozoneocean at 3:30AM, Feb. 21, 2012


Banes and Ozoneocean round off the topic of superheroes, beating that wonderhorse to death well and truly. There's a lot of reminiscing here about ancient superhero pop-culture and along the way we discuss silver age and golden age comics, supervillains, second stringer superheroes and why the remain ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 64 - Of Gods and Superheroes

Ozoneocean at 8:30AM, Feb. 14, 2012


Superheros Banes and Ozoneocean have it out in a titanic, world-shaking battle complete with sparkly flying electricity vividly written sound FX and a laser light show to see who will be top-dog in the Gothic metropolis of Quackcast city. Ozoneocean attempts to lull the audience into a false ...

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Ozoneocean at 3:03AM, Jan. 26, 2012

Glass Hearts is a true soap opera comic of huge scope. The author, Star_samurai, describes the genre and theme more knowledgeably than I possibly could:
“Shounen-ai & soft yaoi / angst / romance / comedy/humor After two years, a 16-year-old Charlie McDermott returns to his hometown and to his previous friends. Many things ...

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2012 Radio Play call for scripts! Blue Strawberry and Silver Vein milestones! QUACKCAST 61!

skoolmunkee at 3:25AM, Jan. 25, 2012

If you're hearing trumpets, it's because the Czarina (of the Radio Play) has an announcement for you! Or possibly you are just in a jazz club. But the Czarina still has something she wants you to know!

Submissions for Radio Play 2012 scripts is OPEN! ayesinback means Serious ...

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Quackcast Episode 61 - SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, copyright and webcomics!

Ozoneocean at 2:51PM, Jan. 24, 2012


It's a rather dry Quackcast this week I'm afraid as I tackle a subject that has been very much in the news lately and a hot topic all over the net- and that is all the various proposed laws and trade agreements covering copyright, intellectual property and ...

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