Horror, and the Broken

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 14, 2021

I'm wounded but you can't see it!

A lot of stories involve a wounded and/or flawed character. It's a staple of strong storytelling; a character has some kind of pain or wound to overcome, and that's the inner journey they take along with whatever outward ...

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Not even Dora is exploring this.

damehelsing at 12:00AM, Oct. 10, 2021

So, I found a horror movie recently and even though it’s not serial killer horror or Halloween type of horror, it’s definitely scary.

The movie I will be talking about today: “The Ruins” (2008) – there will be spoilers, so please be warned. The following movie is for mature ...

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Juggling the Plots

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Oct. 9, 2021

So often, the story doesn't simply have one plot, but many.

There's the A plot, the one that's the main conflict or problem that needs solving. Then there's the B plot, where secondary but still-important issues and problems are being addressed. And often there can even ...

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So Spooky Season has Begun, eh?

damehelsing at 12:00AM, Oct. 3, 2021

Hi! So Spooky Season has begun and my brain has gone into fart mode and it's currently slow on bringing up topics right now!

But I thought something interesting would be to do a review on movies, pick them apart, talk about what's good and what's bad ...

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Tropes I Hate

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Oct. 2, 2021

So maybe the verb ‘hate’ is excessive, but there are some tropes that can really throw me off a story. Or perhaps, what throws me is the way they are used. I firmly believe that any trope can be part of a solid, enjoyable story, even the ones I hate ...

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When & How to Say Goodbye

damehelsing at 12:00AM, Sept. 12, 2021

Last week I talked about how you know you should take a break and some simple steps that will hopefully aid you when taking this break.

But, how do you know when it’s time to say goodbye?

That’s a little tougher. Some times you may think it’s ...

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Rooting for the bad guy

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Sept. 11, 2021

Normally in stories there is the hero vs the villain or the protagonist vs the antagonist. As the audience, we generally expect to root for the hero or the protagonist and hope for the villain's or antagonist's comeuppance.

But there come those times when we find ourselves rooting ...

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QUACKCAST 547 - Franchise fail

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 7, 2021

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There seemed to be a lull for a while after the 1990s and the massive sequel craze of the 80s, but nowadays we're back in full ...

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Through A Mirror Darkly

Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 2, 2021

Star Trek: A Piece of the Action

So this could be considered Part Three of my loose-knit series on science fiction: The Distorted Society.

This is a sci-fi convention where there is an Earth…or another planet, at least somewhat Earth-like, that has some aspect of society that is a ...

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