
rmccool on Feb. 10, 2011

ok about the page first: I like this page pity it took all week to get it posted…
Djeser comes from the pyramid text 800 neb-ta djester dates 2300 BC so I think the writer wont protest.. Anubis is the is one of the gods of the dead..sort of the god of funerals… see we are educational…
now for real life: fighting the church and my family whom believe that sin= sickness.. and art = sin.. that by drawing demonic animals I am making god mad and he is making family members sick.. so I must be stopped.. by guilt. by yelling..by burning stuff.. I keep thinking of the lyrics to the Beatles “Imagine” and “With a Little Help from My Friends” going to keep on.. might miss a few days or have to cut back on page numbers..