Episode 199 - A look back at 2014

Dec 29, 2014

OMG! It's the last Quackcast of 2014! Well Banes and Ozoneocean decide to do a half arse YEAR IN REVIEW! Oh yes, a mighty look back at the year that was 2014... We look over some of the notable Quackcasts and comics that we could recall for the purposes of this particular Quackcast topic at the time when we were recording. Thank goodness for the internet because neither of us can actually remember much of what happened during the year without it. So sit back and tolerate our gala celebrity edition (Ozone and Bases are the celebs), for the year in review! Also, Gunwallace has done a wonderful old timey Jazzy nior theme that YOU WILL LOVE!

Episode 188 - Shoot'n the Breeze

Oct 13, 2014

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Hellooooo people! I'd like to welcome you to the release of our début album! We got Banze on vibes, Tantz on bouzouki, Ozone on the fart flute, and Pit on the butt-bongos! Seriously though, this is another in our on-going series of catchup chats with a couple of our fave collaborators to catch up and talk shop about webcomicing. Pit and Tantz are always great value guests and tell the best fart stories.

Episode 182 - Biggest mistakes made in starting a webcomic

Aug 14, 2014

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This Quackcast came about in response to an article that was supposed to be about the biggest mistakes in starting out with a webcomic, I felt it was incredibly superficial and that it was mainly focussed on someone who wanted to go straight for the “pro” side, jump right in and make it BIG right away… The trouble is that there's WAAAAAAY more to the subject than that! Hence this Quackcast on the subject. I've seen thousands of webcomics come and go over the years, most fizzle out in the first few weeks or months for a whole lot of reasons, but even the ones that have staying power still run into many issues at the beginning. Here we cover a lot of the big mistakes webcomic creators make early on. We've also got some great contributions too!

Episode 164 - Operation Moon 2

Apr 29, 2014

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A very SPECIAL episode! For this Quackcast Pit Face, Abt Nihil, Tantz Aerine, Banes, and Ozoneocean perform the sequel to last years Live radio play, with; Operation Moon 2! It also carries on nicely from the continuity of the last three SciFi Quackcasts. After the adventures in the alien hunted diner, the two Hill-billies, Daisy Dooks and her pervy old uncle Hayseed are in the custody of two sinister aliens, Palavi Kuklamu and Fritzi Von Horstheim. Their path is about to cross with the devilishly handsome space rogue Ozoneocean and brave Captain Banes! It's great fun to record a live play like this with all your actors doing their thing at the same time, nice and quick too. Editing is more of a challenge this way though. It's also specially challenging to write the whole thing in one night!

Episode 148 - Welcome back for 2014

Jan 6, 2014

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What I did on my holidays... Banes and Ozoneocean are back for the new year! Happy new year everybody! Banes and Ozone chat about all the non-comic stuff they did over the new years break, just a lot of general banter, jokes, and back and forth, talking about stuff we felt was cool and fun over that time. The kind of stuff you do over the holidays!

Episode 147 - Merry Xmas! DD Radio Play Omnibus Edition

Dec 23, 2013

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Summary: For the final Quackcast of 2013 we have an extra special treat for everyone: ALL three of the annual DD radio plays in a single quackcast! The first one produced by Ayesinback and written by Ally Haert, the second one again produced by Ayesinback but written this time by Gunwallace, and the third written again by Gunwallace and produced by Ozoneocean. Banes and I hope you enjoy the adventures of Maxwell McDuff, private eye, we'll be back in the new year for more Quackcasts. Merry Xmas!

Episode 146 - The SantaCast!

Dec 16, 2013

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It's that time of year again, when we do all our traditional celebration stuff and get silly about Santa, Father Christmas, Saint Nick, Papai Noel, Viejo Pascuero, Dun Che Lao Ren, Kerstman, Joulupukki, Weihnachtsmann, Mikulas, Babbo Natale, Hoteiosho, Julenissen, Swiety Mikolaj, Ded Moroz, Jultomten... Hanukkah has been, Winter Solstice is coming up, then Christmas, then Kwanzaa, then the best party of the year: New Years!!! Hooray! For this Quackcast Banes Interviews the jolly bearded man in the red suit, Christmas comics are discussed, Secret Santa comics, and finally the The 2013 DD Radio Play!

Episode 145 - The Third Duck, 2013 DD Radio Play

Dec 11, 2013

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Finally! The 2013 DD Radio play is complete! It was a long time in coming but it's out now and still within 2013, despite everything that has happened. The radio plays were started by Ayesinback and have been going for 3 years now, begining with The Karaoke Caper, then last year it was The Duck Always Quacks Twice, and now this year we're proud to bring you The Third Duck! Many great people contributed towards this, our voice actors, producers, writer and musician... and let's not forget all the great comic artists who did the lovely illustrated version! So please enjoy our radio play. -The first one was written by Ally Heart*

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