Episode 615 - Happy Christmas!

Dec 26, 2022

Happy Life Day! Hahaha! Merry Christmas for 2 days ago… This week we're talking about the “Christmas specials” that populate entertainment media this time of year. No particular reason for it, it's just because it's seasonal! It's not always Christmas focused there are the occasionally hanukkah things as well, and in the northern hemisphere this is the season for traditional winter festivals afterall.

Topics and Show Notes

What are your fave “Christmas specials”? Do you like them when webcomics do them? I always used to love the one that Kittyhawk did for her Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuki comic - https://www.facebook.com/montrose.is/

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Nocturne 21 Volume One - Darkly introspective with an Asian influence. It reminds me of an unfinished Hong Kong skyscraper in the1980s at night- wind whistling through the open floors, the lights of the city below and around but not inside the shadowy, debris strewn depths of the skeletal structure, smelling of concrete dust and epoxy. There’s a slow, considered pace to this compelling piece.

-As a Christmas present all Patreon members get to see our video, not just the $5 and up members, AND it's better quality so it's NOT painful to watch haha!

Topics and shownotes

Featured comic:
Neville Magicians Rabbit - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2022/dec/20/featured-comic-neville-magicians-rabbit/

Featured music:
Nocturne 21 Volume One - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Nocturne_21_Volume_One/ - by Hirokari, rated M.

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/banes
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/

VIDEO exclusive!
Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks!
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Episode 610 - Beauty!

Nov 21, 2022

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“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, so the saying goes but it's absolutely true. There is a layered subjectivity to it based on personal preference, the cultural standards of your community, the ethnic traits of you and your peers, prevailing global fashions in appearance, the dominant archetypes in the media and so on. All these things combine to form our personal subjective ideas of beauty. You can see this yourself if you look at paintings, statues, masks, frescoes and other artifacts that have been produced by all the diverse cultures on earth over thousands of years: there IS no standard, eternal, objective of beauty.

Episode 608 - Lovers and other things

Nov 7, 2022

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There are all kinds of relationships and they're great fodder for stories. The most typical is when two characters are getting INTO a relationship- all that will they/wont they stuff. But characters could also be ending a relationship, or maybe ending one in order to get into another, they could even be in a stable, long term relationship, although those aren't quite as common in media. My favourites are the ones where sex and attraction isn't a factor: relationships between family members, co-workers, friends etc. For some reason when it's platonic I find that a lot more compelling than sexual tension, especially when there would normally be the potential for sex- i.e. two unrelated compatible people with the same sexual and gender preference.

Episode 607 - Horror Sci-Fi

Oct 31, 2022

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Happy Halloween! Our topic is horror Sci-Fi. Sc-Fi brings with it a whole lot more interesting things you can do with horror and scary stories and there are so many great examples, from the worlds of HP Lovecraft, Alien franchise, Dead Space, Doom, Warhammer 40K, Event Horizon, the Cell, the SCP universe and more. We were inspired by Bane's newspost about horror and technology and all the cool responses he had. What's your fave horror SciFi?

Episode 606 - Scary writing!

Oct 24, 2022

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How do you write scary scenes for comics? Banes loves horror so he come up with this subject, plus we're coming up to Halloween! Listen to find out what we come up with. How do YOU write scary scenes though, what are your tips and tricks?

Episode 599 - Badaptations

Sep 5, 2022

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Source material is something that we can love and respect, but it's just as often disregarded, degenerated, and denigrated, especially these days where it seems like everything you see is an adaptation or even an adaptation OF an adaptation or worse. I think it's important to go back to the sources so you can see what was truly great about the original to begin with. It can help you see what was lost in the adaptations and to discover new and important meanings and ideas that you never would have guessed at.

Episode 595 - Oversold to the Moon!

Aug 8, 2022

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How do you describe your work to sell it to people? Writing blurbs is a real skill! You generally have to avoid doing these four things: Underselling, Overselling, Selling the wrong story, or Revealing too much. It's quite a tricky balance to master. I've been writing feature blurbs for comics here on DD for many years now (about 16), so I've developed a technique but even I haven't mastered it!

Episode 594 - Grow up! Or don't...

Jul 31, 2022

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The Manchild can be a fun character or they can be pathetic. They're a staple of comedies because they're an adult that gets to act immature and childish, without the restraint and responsibilities imposed by adulthood. This can make a great contrast; “The adult man acting like an immature child”, John C Riley and Will Farrel have always done that extremely well, as did Chris Farley back in the 90s. It can be be portrayed as pathetic and sad when the person can't seem to be able grow up or take on any responsibilities. They're often characterised by people with “childish” interests, like the cast of the Big Bang Theory, or with a childlike love of something like sports like Kevin in Kevin can F Himself.

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