Episode 87 - Up with people: Heroes and Villians

Jul 23, 2012

What are the Do's and Do Not Do's when it comes to creating protagonists and antagonists??? For Quackcast 87 we asked for people's opinions on making heroes and villains, we asked who are some of your fave heroes and villains? What makes your own characters such good heroes or villains? What are YOUR Do's and Donts, how do YOU prefer to construct your heroes and villains? Is the hero just a hero because they're the protagonist? Or are they a classic hero? What's the difference between heroes an protagonists? Villains and antagonists? etc. Some clever and intelligent people weighed in on this and shared their opinions on it with us.

Episode 86 - Ghosts of Features Past

Jul 16, 2012

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Our idea was to revisit some of the interesting featured comics from the past years... We picked features that appeal to us and that are still on the site, commenting about what we like and don't like about the art, writing, design, style of humour, type of story, and the genre.We hope this will be an interesting topic to revisit in future Quackcasts too. The feature spotlight is fleeting and only happens once to a comic, then they sink away again, so it's worth having another look at the great and wonderful glories of the past to see just how great and wonderful they were! I'm joined again on the Quackcast by my personable and friendly voiced co-host Banes!

Episode 82 - Live the Dream (Jobs, Jobs, Jobs)

Jun 18, 2012

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This week, we pose the question "How can webcomics translate itself into real life work for you? What sorts of skills and things that you do in webcomics lead to real life jobs? (and viceversa)" Hear ozoneocean and Banes ramble about snow and motivation, make half-hearted attempts at funny voices (until ozone's triumphant Southern character wins our hearts), and shake your head (in wonderment) as they rally back for an inspirational finale! And check out our wonderful features this week, with Mer-Men and Bat-Girls!

Episode 66 - Why do you do it?

Feb 27, 2012

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After finally definitively vanquishing Ozoneocean last week, Banes is now top dog and chief superhero in the Quackcast universe. He begins his reign by trying to find out from the comicers on DD WHY they write and/or draw their comics, possibly as part of a dastardly plan. In Quackcast 66 we wanted to know what drives people to want to create? How did their comics come to be: Ideas-wise, writing-wise, editing-wise, and web-wise? Why did they choose comics as opposed to some other medium, like dance or archery? How/where did people's initial spark come from for their comic? Where do people draw ideas from? These and more questions are answered interestingly by many creative and clever people, giving us a cool insight into their work and hopefully your own as well.

Episode 62 - The SUBSTITUTES or Assistant Editors Week

Jan 31, 2012

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Ozoneocean was called away for a quick unexpected trip to Bali. Ayesinback and Banes were quick to leap into the breach and take over... and run wild, smashing all the furniture, spray-painting the walls, and whizzing in the corner. Seriously though, I think they did a pretty good job and I hope you'll find it interesting to listen to the first QC with neither Skoolmunkee, NOR Ozoneocean popping up at any-stage. Featured in this QC is the DD Soap Omnibus edition (What Happened While I Was Away), Ayesinback and Banes discussing the upcoming new improved 2012 DD Radio Play (they need scripts!), and two great spoof comic features. No editing at all from Ozoneocean in this one.

Episode 61 - SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, copyright and webcomics

Jan 24, 2012

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It's a rather dry Quackcast this week I'm afraid as I tackle a subject that has been very much in the news lately and a hot topic all over the net- and that is all the various proposed laws and trade agreements covering copyright, intellectual property and how they can possibly affect webcomics, webcomic hosting and online creative communities in general. My take on these things is a bit individual and editorial so I'm sorry for that, but I did do a modicum of research beforehand so it's not all opinion! We also have the 5th installment of our ongoing DD comedy soap with great voice acting by many clever people and once again featuring the brilliant edditing skills of Banes. There's even some clever digs at copyright and IP!

Episode 55 - Genres Revisited

Dec 13, 2011

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My attractive assistant Skoolmunkee agreed to another guest appearance in order to re-adress this topic. I asked people about their favourite webcomic genres, why they like them and what makes them so cool and interesting, whether it's the genre they like to read or create in. The genres we covered chiefly in your previous genre Quackcast (number 29, http://www.drunkduck.com/quackcast/episode-29-genres-generally-speaking/), were fantasy, slice of life, post apocalypse, and spiritual, and declared that post apocalypse the winner. This time we all decide that steam/diesel/cyberpunk is best! We briefly try and tackle superheros, but nothing much comes out of it except the brown Lantern...

Episode 53 - Spriters Are People Too

Nov 28, 2011

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The venerable Skoolmunkee is the special guest this week! This time we have a completely biased and entirely uninformed chat about all aspects of sprite comicing, from their short and turbulent history, to their glittering present and beyond into a glorious galaxy spanning empire that they will one day be responsible for creating!

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