Episode 190 - The Halloweencast!

Oct 26, 2014

For the Halloweencast Banes and I will be journeyed beyond the veil, down into the depths of webcomic HELL… There, we encountered the LOST and the DAMMED: the tormented souls of abandoned webcomics that were ended before their time. Deep underneath the black, soaring Gothic spires of DD HQ lie the labyrinthine catacombs, dry, dusty crypts, and ossuaries where the bones of old abandoned webcomics go to rest and moulder away, their lonely souls pining for the time when they could see the day and frolic in the sun, with viewers to keep them company. Watched over by the great demon Death Porn and harried by mischievous spriter sprites, the poor souls languish in their solitary torments, hoping to one day be reborn anew! For the Halloweencast, Banes and I asked for contributors to name some of their old lost faves so we could pay our respects to these tragic cases, give them a voice once more, and hopefully return them for a few brief moments to the sun again by sending some more viewers their way.

Topics and Show Notes

Topics and Show Notes:

Featured comic:
YOUR CHOICE... - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/YOUR_CHOICE/ />
The Lost Soul Webcomics:
http://theduckwebcomics.com/MISFIT_ASSASSINS/ />The Hub - http://theduckwebcomics.com/The_Hub/ />Cricket's Creature - http://theduckwebcomics.com/Crickets_Creature/ />Magiversity - http://theduckwebcomics.com/Magiversity/ />Angelfish - http://theduckwebcomics.com/Angelfish/ />The Rose Killer - http://theduckwebcomics.com/The_Rose_Killer/ />Opey the Warhead - http://theduckwebcomics.com/Opey_the_Warhead/ />BLANK LIFE insert player rokulily - http://www.drunkduck.com/BLANK_LIFE_insert_player_rokulily/ />The People That Melt in the Rain - http://theduckwebcomics.com/The_People_That_Melt_in_the_Rain/ />1946 - http://theduckwebcomics.com/1946/ />Gore - http://theduckwebcomics.com/Gore/ />Lovecraft Jr - http://theduckwebcomics.com/Lovecraft_Jr/ />Abby Sanders Lawyer to the Supernatural - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Abby_Sanders_Lawyer_to_the_Supernatural/ />Bally Who - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Bally_Who/ />BALLMAN - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/BALLMAN/ />BadBlood xXx The History Of Malden - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/BadBlood_xXx_The_History_Of_Malden/ />leather woman - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/leather_woman/ NSFW
Melaines Choles - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Melaines_Choles/ />The Naked Nurse - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/The_Naked_Nurse/ NSFW
Jump - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Jump/ />Detective Fork 2 - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Detective_Fork_2/ />
Our zombie comic thread -
http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/forum/topic/176584/ />
Our suffering contributors:
The vampiric Usedbooks -
http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/usedbooks/ />KimLuster the succubus - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/KimLuster/ />Dragonaur the lich - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Dragonaur/ />Captain Hook's ghost Gunwallace - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Gunwallace/ />
Special thanks to:
The goulish Banes -
http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/ />The dark piper Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com />
The theme song by Gunwallace this week was for:
Demon Eater -
http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Demon_Eater/ by Jillyfoo!

Episode 188 - Shoot'n the Breeze

Oct 13, 2014

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Hellooooo people! I'd like to welcome you to the release of our début album! We got Banze on vibes, Tantz on bouzouki, Ozone on the fart flute, and Pit on the butt-bongos! Seriously though, this is another in our on-going series of catchup chats with a couple of our fave collaborators to catch up and talk shop about webcomicing. Pit and Tantz are always great value guests and tell the best fart stories.

Episode 184 - The Trevor Mueller Hour

Aug 18, 2014

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Trevor A Meuller, author of many astounding comics including Albert The Alien, @$$hole and Temple of a Thousand Tears came on to tell us about some of the different projects he's working. Banes and I were highly impressed by his professional approach and his amazing radio voice! Trevor is a Drunk Duck graduate who you might remember working on @$$hole and Temple of a Thousand Tears in the early days, he's since moved on to bigger and better things, working with the award winning artist and colourist artist Gabriel Bautista Jr on the gorgeous all ages comic Albert The Alien. He's also involved in the great comics based educational reading initiative readingwithpctures.com as well as may other joint projects. he's definitely worth listing to for his exciting motivated approach and the advice he has to offer beginners in the field.

Episode 178 - thematical thematology

Aug 4, 2014

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For this DD webcomics podcast, Quackcast 178, we talk about THEMES. And no, we're not talking about those fine musical tracks that Gunwallace has been making for our comics. Theme is what's happening below the surface plot of a story. Plot is the events that happen, and theme is what it all means. We asked people What they thought about themes in their work, how they approach them, do you put themes in there on purpose, or does it happen by accident? Is a theme even necessary? We also asked people to talk about some of the themes in their work. We had some very interesting contributions. Themes in stories in comics, movies, TV shows and books are not things we tend to think about that much unless we're trying to be clever but they're an all pervasive and important part of any story nevertheless!

Episode 176 - Endings, part 3

Jul 21, 2014

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For our FINAL part of our discussion of story endings we talk about yet MORE ending tropes, methods and styles. In a fit of towering arrogance and indefensible pomposity we even trash the mighty Shakespeare for his ending of Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet! Our contributors offered up some truly interesting perspectives on the matter or constructing story endings and we give them their due respect by reading them out in strange voices... As I've said in all of these so far: writing the end of a story is the hardest part so we hope to provide some clues on how to write a good one. Ad with that we reach the END of our exploration of ends! Next week we interview AMY and Nick from CHARBY THE VAMPIRATE!!!

Episode 175 - Endings, part 2

Jul 14, 2014

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Arrrr, this be the second part of our discussion on writing ENDINGS in stories of all kinds, particularly for webcomics! But we discuss a few movie and TV endings here, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, No Country For Old Men, True Detective, and Dexter to name a few. Writings endings is the hardest part of the writing process, so it's lucky we had some wise contributions from people on how to do a good job of it! As well as giving examples of likes and dislikes... This is the second in our 3 part series on endings! I must apologise for the low quality of the recording here, there were very weird delay and repeating effects going on, Banes seems to be singing his own little madrigal at a couple of points. There are a a few parts I had to rerecord later; just a warning about the change of style.

Episode 174 - Endings, part 1

Jul 7, 2014

3 likes, 1 comment

This is the end, Beautiful friend, This is the end, My only friend, the end... so drones Jim Morrison in the classic Doors song, but this isn't the end, rather it's a Quackcast ABOUT endings! Today we talk about the ends of stories: how do your write good ones? What makes a good ending? What makes a bad ending? What do you hate? What do you love? Well, many people had something to say on this topic of endings, and it's a very useful subject because ending a story is the hardest part of writing it! We could all use a bit of help in this regard, so listen in for tips and tricks in part one of Endings, a 3 parter! Our very first one!!!

Episode 172 - The QuackQuiz!

Jun 23, 2014

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Come on down, it's Quiz time! For this week's Quackcast we had a quiz based on DD comics, as a friendly, fun way to try and promote them... there's even a bit of Drunk Duck history mixed up in the questions. Just a smidge. We had three contestants taking part for the honour of telling everyone else to suck it; Archaeologist Amazon Adventurer Artist Pitface, Psychologist Freedom Fighter Lawyer Comicer Tantz Aerine, and Scientist Philosopher Comic Group Leader and all around boob-fancier Abt Nihil. They all competed to the very limit of their abilities, striving for dominance against each other, employing every dirty trick in the book and even some new ones... So please listen to the first ever DD bottomless Quiz! Oh, and there's even some titbits about the totally mythical married life of Ozoneocean and Pitface.

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