Episode 107 - Back to Skool for the New Year!

Jan 7, 2013

Happy new year! Here we all are, back to Skool! Banes, Skoolmunkee and I have a meandering, twisting, turning conversation, spanning many silly subjects in this New Year catchup Quackcast where we find out what each other was doing over the holiday, what comic related stuff we've done and thought about, what we got for xmas, what comic films we've seen and all that marvellous stuff as we listen to ourselves talk and feel massively important and clever! ...at least that's the case with me, the other two are actually pretty clever. Skool, Banes and I wish you a happy new 2013!

Quackcast 105: The Secret Society of Santas

Dec 10, 2012

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Welcome back to the Quackcast! Christmas time is just over the horizon so it's the time of year again for the Secret Santa community fanart project! For Quackcast 105 we talk to Reashi who this year is in charge of making sure this all happens. But was is the DD Secret Santa? Well let me tell you! First you visit the secret Santa thread and sign up while there's still time, Deadline has been extended to Friday the 14th- find the sign up thread from the link below and also Skool's lovely newspost. So back to what it IS... Well it's a lucky dip fan art thing. The people who sign up request what they'd like to receive and then after the deadline they're randomly and in secret assigned one of their fellow list members, so it's a surprise who you get your art present done by! So sign up, it might be ME who does your present! ^_^

Episode 104: Call Me 24 Hour Tom

Nov 30, 2012

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24 hour comics day was on the 20th of October! Buuuut, we dodn't cover that for the Quackcast because we were too into our halloweeeenie plans, I think... or maybe we were just being lazy, I fergit. Anyway, in this week's Quackcast we speak to someone who actually participated in the great and fabled rituals surrounding the legendary event to get an inside perspective on just exactly how things work. To that end Dr Banes and I packed up our carpetbags, shucked on our greatcoats and top hats and did up each other's gaiters in order to travel to merry Ye'olde Engal-land to speak to one of its inhabitants who was rumoured to be a man of great knowledge on this subject. There we encountered a fellow by the name of Tom, or Call Me Tom to be exact, a fine figure of a man, raw boned and massive, standing well nigh over nine feet tall and a million inches, bald as a coot on top, with red sidewhiskers down to his knees. He was good enough to let us into the secret lore of 24 hour comics day! - Halfway through our learned discourse we were attacked by Geth and replaced by simulants. :(

Episode 102 - Banes and Ozone's Bogus Journey

Nov 5, 2012

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For Quackcast 101 and 102 now and the coming of Halloween Banes and I returned to the theme of horror, opening the subject up to contributions from the community! We start off with a tale of horror and fear from the cold, white frozen north... And then diving back into the subject of horror pop-culture, delving into many other interesting sidetracks along the way like people with weird eyes and other standard horror techniques. Again Banes was our editor and musician, outdoing himself masterfully with his SFX and amazing horror music... This week, staring Ozombieocean, Ghoulmunkee and Pains!

Episode 101 - Horror Mark II: Part 1

Oct 29, 2012

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For Quackcast 101 and the coming of Halloween, Banes and I thought we'd return to horror yet again. This time we opened the subject to the DD community to get their thoughts on the subject: What are your fave horror stories, What do you find scary, How do you go about writing horror, What makes good horror, Bad horror? People's responses were quite varied and very interesting! This week Banes was our editor and musician, adding all sorts of special horror SFX.

Episode 100 - Ah needs mah stories

Oct 22, 2012

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In Quackcast 100 we open up the influential stories topic to the community! Our Duckers let us know what stories have made the biggest impact on them as creators and comicers. Banes and I read them out in hilarious voices with lots of laughing at our own jokes... but don't let that take you away from the clever stuff people have written! There's a lot of very interesting things to gain from their reading experiences. And because this is number 100 we celebrate with a reprise of Banes' lovely Dylanesque performance of Gunwallace's Dungeon song!

Episode 98 - Storytime with Dr Banes

Oct 8, 2012

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This week Bane's bright idea was to talk about our favourite stories and explain just WHY they're our faves, telling about what we take away from them or how they've changed us or formed us, what resonated in those stories with us. I talk about books, Banes draws from a book, movie and comic, because he's cleverer and came up with the idea in the first place. Quackcast 100 in 2 weeks will be on the same subject but this time asking YOU what YOUR fave stories are, so don't forget to tell us in the thread in the General Discussion forum!

Episode 97 - Snotmunkee Brings the News

Oct 2, 2012

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This Quackcast is a grab-bag of things. Mostly newsy stuff and chats with Skoolmunkee! We talk about how Wowio is dying to promote DD artist's stuff through all sorts of social networking stuff like Twitter, a Youtube vid chanel, tumblr, Facebook, Google + etc, HUNGRY for user news!!! We also talk about this new thing we want to try with DD: Hangouts on Google+ with DD people- basically video get togethers that will be broadcast at the same time on Youtube, we can all draw, do comics, learn, teach, whatever. AND we want vids for the Wowio-Duck-Popgalaxy Youtube channel. They could promote your comic, be a short tute on your methods, a comic review, anything DD comic related.

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