Episode 429 - Bad ends, not bad fans

Jun 2, 2019

This Quackcast was inspired by the fan reaction to Game of Thrones, a series that I haven't watched but Tantz and Banes have! Specifically it's about poorly written endings and gas-lighting fans rather than admitting to faults.

Topics and Show Notes

No matter how great we are at writing (and the GOT guys MUST be good to have created such a popular show), that's no proof against writing a poor ending. Endings are the HARDEST things to do well, it's devilishly easy to flub them. Most fans of the GOT series seem disappointed, which would indicate it's more likely to be a bad end than them not “getting it”, but that seems to be the narrative. And we've seen that happen before with things like the Mass Effect Game series, the Battlestar Galactica reboot, Dexter, Lost etc.
The industry has to support their talent so they'll defend the poor work regardless and gas-light the fans. To be fair,poor endings can be beyond the control of the creators: lack of budget and a mental breakdown gave us a very improvised end to Neon Genesis Evangellion… the creators did the best with what they had.

But the lesson I take away from this is that sometimes, just sometimes, fans are right, and we should listen to them when we're creating. NOT by giving them the silly shipping and fan-service they secretly dream off, but to help us realise when we're veering wildly off-target.

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Embrace the Pun - In the words of the great man himself: “sax and violins … it's a musical pun as a theme tune.” The measured, stable regularity of the violin and quiet percussion are contrasted starkly against the wild wanderings of the jazzy Saxophone as it stomps into the room, kicks over the carefully arranged furniture and pees on a pot plant.

Topics and shownotes

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Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks!
- https://www.patreon.com/DrunkDuck
Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts!

Featured comic:
Completely Unrelated - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2019/may/27/featured-comic-completely-unrelated/

Featured music:
Embrace the Pun - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Embrace_the_Pun/, by BarryCorbett, rated E.

Contributions red from this thread - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/forum/topic/178163/

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean

Episode 427 - Betrayal

May 20, 2019

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Betrayal is an interesting thing to use in fiction. You can have betrayal of your nation, your organisation, friends, lovers, religion, beliefs, self. In stories it can be used to add a nasty twist or completely change the flow of events and alter the balance of power in a dramatic way! It can be devastating in relationships. The story of Judas betraying Christ for 30 pieces of silver is one of the most famous betrayal stories and became so iconic that the phrase “30 pieces of silver” or just the word “Judas” became synonymous with the act. Of course the inspiration for the best treachery and betrayal comes from real life and the names of the betrayers often echo down through history. IFrom Rome we have Brutus, in the USA the name “Benedict Arnold” has a similar meaning to “Judas”, the 20th century gave us the term “quisling” after the Norwegian political leader Vidkun Quisling who sold his country out to the Nazis.

Episode 426 - Sidekicking

May 13, 2019

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Inspired by Emma Clare's Friday newspost about supporting characters, today we're discussing sidekicks! Sidekicks are a useful character type that are used in so many different ways. They can be a specialised type of supporting character that are also a main character or they can be the main protagonist in some cases. In comics sidekicks came in during the early days as a way of giving juvenile readers their own insert character who they could identify with… Bucky Barnes, Jimmy Olsen, Robin etc. They had other functions like giving the hero someone to save, providing commentary, reaction and exposition. Later when that kind of sidekick fell out of favour they became superheroes in their own right.

Episode 424 - Selling your creative dish

Apr 29, 2019

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On one side we have creators of content and on the other we have the consumers. The consumers number in their billions and they're voraciously hungry for constant stimulation! Pretty much all creators are consumers too… So why don't they want the beautifully made, clever, spicy, artisanal dish you're selling? Why do they prefer the nice, bland, familiar mass-market high in fat, sugar and salt fast-food of the mainstream instead?

Episode 422 - Positive promotion and controversial characters

Apr 15, 2019

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The entire gang comes together today for two topics that were taken from recent newsposts: Emma Clare's Positive self promotion, and Tantz Aerine's Handling Controversial Characters. First up we chat about why it's always a great idea to sell yourself positively, NOT be arrogant or douchey, but rather by talking enthusiastically about what you genuinely love about your work and using that REAL and SINCERE enthusiasm to infect others with your love of what you do. Emma was mainly talking about the way you introduce your comics to friends and family but it definitely applies more broadly to self promotion in general: Don't try and get sympathy through self depreciation (oh, it's not very good…), and don't be an arrogant ass (My stuff is AWESOME!), rather you should just be honest about what you love about it (This story was so FUN to write!).

Episode 418 - Many kinds of love

Mar 18, 2019

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There are many kinds love. Love is a great thing to include in your story for all sorts of reasons: it's an easy way to develop characters, give a character something to strive for, it's universally relatable, You can use it for tension, all sorts of things! There are different kinds of relationships you can use as well, not just heterosexual or homosexual relationships and the common trope of showing the beginning of a relationship, you can show crushes, established relationships, platonic relationships, relationships collapsing and exes coming together. For this topic we were loosely inspired by Tantz and Emma's great newsposts about romance and platonic love. We chat about luuuurv and tricks like lurv triangles!

Episode 405 - Escape from Tumblr!

Dec 16, 2018

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On the 18th of December people who post things with nudity on Tumblr will be kicked off the site. That means all the adult bloggers, comicers and things that made that journalling site stand out above the rest of the vast sea of blog sites and image hosts are being screwed out of what they helped build up! The reason of course is to make the site more attractive to advertisers and so it can more easily fit the standards of puritanical companies like Apple and Google who have taken it upon themselves to scrub the world clean of anything that defines us as adult human beings.

Episode 396 - Amelius and Patreon

Oct 15, 2018

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Amelius of the magnificent and eternal Charby The Vampirate returns to the Quackcast today! Amelius was the first person we every interviewed and Charby the Vampirate has been on Drunk Duck exactly as long as Pinky TA: since January 2004! Tantz and I chat to her about the new Patreon she has going for Charby and all the amazing bonus perks you can get on it. If you're a Charby fan you should definitely get in on that. Amelius has also agreed to join us on DD to do newsposts every week! So you will be seeing some cool content from her regularly. She has a LOT of comic making experience to impart.

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