Episode 65 - Men and Women in Tights

Feb 20, 2012

Banes and Ozoneocean round off the topic of superheroes, beating that wonderhorse to death well and truly. There's a lot of reminiscing here about ancient superhero pop-culture and along the way we discuss silver age and golden age comics, supervillains, second stringer superheros and why the remain that way, the gender and culture appeal of some characters, evolution of superheroes towards realism and grit, then webcomic superheroes, especially those on DD, and then finish up with why we like superheroes. Sidekick Captain-Ozone continues to echo disturbingly from the void while the real hero, Ultra-Banes, continues to bring the humour. We decide that it all comes back to Superman and Batman, who are the ultimate prototypes for the two main types of superheros: super, good, and perfect Vs normal, flawed, and human.

Topics and Show Notes

Topis and Show Notes:

Featured comics:
Docter Death Vs the Zombie - http://www.drunkduck.com/Doctor_Death_vs_The_Zombie_/
Medieval Mayhem- http://www.drunkduck.com/Medieval_Mayhem/

People discussing their theories:
- http://www.drunkduck.com/forum/topic/174984/

- The_beav - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/the_beav/
- El Cid- http://www.drunkduck.com/user/El%20Cid/
- Kroatz - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Kroatz/
- Skoolmunkee - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/skoolmunkee/
- Macattack - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Macattack/

Our What Happened While I Was Away players:
- Banes - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Banes/
- Ayesinback- http://www.drunkduck.com/user/ayesinback/
- Ozoneocean - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/ozoneocean/
- PIT_FACE - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/PIT_FACE/
- Rokulily - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/rokulily/
- Gullas - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Gullas/
- Abt Nihil - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Abt_Nihil/
- Bravo1102 - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/bravo1102/

Please, PLEASE join in with the story! Insert yourself in there! And send us a recording of you reading part of it out!
- http://www.drunkduck.com/forum/topic/174836/

Episode 64 - Of Gods and Superheroes

Feb 14, 2012

6 likes, 12 comments

Superheros Banes and Ozoneocean have it out in a titanic, world-shaking battle complete with sparkly flying electricity vividly written sound FX and a laser light show to see who will be top-dog in the Gothic metropolis of Quackcast city. Ozoneocean attempts to lull the audience into a false sense of security by reciting everything he knows about superheroes and various gods and then comparing the two in his echoy, god-like voice. Meanwhile, banes counters with the rather unusual tactic of trying to entertain them with his hilarious wit and clever improvisations. We discus the origins of superheroes, superheroes movies and everything in between in the first of this two part Quackcast marathon. Re-issued episode 64! We discuss superheros

Episode 61 - SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, copyright and webcomics

Jan 24, 2012

5 likes, 6 comments

It's a rather dry Quackcast this week I'm afraid as I tackle a subject that has been very much in the news lately and a hot topic all over the net- and that is all the various proposed laws and trade agreements covering copyright, intellectual property and how they can possibly affect webcomics, webcomic hosting and online creative communities in general. My take on these things is a bit individual and editorial so I'm sorry for that, but I did do a modicum of research beforehand so it's not all opinion! We also have the 5th installment of our ongoing DD comedy soap with great voice acting by many clever people and once again featuring the brilliant edditing skills of Banes. There's even some clever digs at copyright and IP!

Quackcast 60 Jillyfoo Interview: Part 2

Jan 17, 2012

4 likes, 5 comments

This is Part 2 of my interesting chat with Jillyfoo (popular artist and creator of Demon Eater). Here she chats about various interesting subjects particularly applicable to webcomic creation from what she uses to keep her inspired while working, to how to make money and network at conventions and what sorts of things she finds most appealing in other webcomics. There's also a bit of general chat and reminiscing, you've been warned! As with last week's installment, I apologise for the poor audio quality of the interview portion- my connection was bad so this interview had to be edited and cut somewhat as a consequence. See Jillyfoo's stuff here: http://www.drunkduck.com/user/JillyFoo/ We also have part 4 of our exciting drunk duck soap "What happened wile I was away?". It was edited this week by Banes, and he did a wonderful job! See his stuff here:http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Banes

Quackcast 59 Interesting use of artistic media and technique- Jillyfoo interview

Jan 10, 2012

9 likes, 13 comments

This week I have a long and interesting interview with the talented comic creator Jillyfoo. Some may have seen her very fantastic and popular comic Demon Eater. She's a very long term creator here on DD whose been an active contributor to many interesting comic discussions and a fervent supporter of many comics on the site. We discuss her approach to the different and unusual media she uses in her comic as well as comic creation in general. We also have contributions from a couple of people and the third instalment of our exciting drunk duck soap "What happened wile I was away?". I apologise for the poor audio quality during the interview portion of the Quackcast, unfortunately I had network issues and the interview with Jillyfoo had to be stitched together in parts. See Jillyfoo's stuff here: http://www.drunkduck.com/user/JillyFoo/

Episode 57 - Merry Christmas One And All! What Happened While I Was Away?

Dec 27, 2011

7 likes, 5 comments

Merry Christmas everyone! A short one this time... In this Quackcast I talk about what sorts of comic stuff we do over this holiday period, we have contributions from some DDers and then finally, the very best part of it all: The Drunkduck soap thread- WHAT HAPPENED WHILE I WAS AWAY? Seriously, this is the very best part, so if you want to get to the good bit, skip to 26.09!

Episode 56 - BASO Profundo Post Feature Interview

Dec 20, 2011

6 likes, 12 comments

This particular Quackcast marks the very first time I've ever interviewed a featured comic creator, just after his feature! Genejoke was kind enough to descend from his palatial Robinson Crusoe style palm tree manor house on the tropical shores of southern Britain, wearing a rumpled cream linen suit and a white panama hat. Sipping a dry Martini in the hot noon sun he slipped on his half coconut headphones and spoke into a conch shell for the interview about his fantastic featured SciFi space opera comic: B.A.S.O - See Genejoke's profile and his stuff here: http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Genejoke

Episode 55 - Genres Revisited

Dec 13, 2011

4 likes, 10 comments

My attractive assistant Skoolmunkee agreed to another guest appearance in order to re-adress this topic. I asked people about their favourite webcomic genres, why they like them and what makes them so cool and interesting, whether it's the genre they like to read or create in. The genres we covered chiefly in your previous genre Quackcast (number 29, http://www.drunkduck.com/quackcast/episode-29-genres-generally-speaking/), were fantasy, slice of life, post apocalypse, and spiritual, and declared that post apocalypse the winner. This time we all decide that steam/diesel/cyberpunk is best! We briefly try and tackle superheros, but nothing much comes out of it except the brown Lantern...

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