SS5 86 The Quiet Date

skyangel on March 6, 2015

This is based on the one and only date I ever really regretted turning up for! If people are rude to me or way up their own butts, I have no problem in being rude back or walking away from them, but if someone is genuinely a nice person I just can't do it and I tend to feel I'm letting them down by not being able to open them up. Most people do when you hit on the right subject and as a back up in my early days I used to have an alphabet system in my head to try and ensure the converstaion never dried up on a date, basically something like: Art, Books, Children, Dates, Eccentricities, Friends etc.
I think I only used the system on two occassions as most girls I met were really chatty anyway but it's always my philosophy to be over prepared because at least I can feel more confident even if they don't. Despite all my efforts though this one drained me! lol I seem to remember that towards the end I was so confused by her lack of input that I asked why she was doing the online dating and she replied, ‘My mum made me.’
Have a nice week! :)