SS5 136 Troubled sleep and waking terror

skyangel on Feb. 26, 2017

The story so far: Same as last week. ;)

I meant to share this real life creepy story with you once before as it's really the source behind Sarah's present supernatural encounter…

I was about 15 yrs old and on holiday in Devon with the family, staying in a very old country cottage which was pretty isolated. From the moment we entered it felt damp and dirty, having great thick chunky walls with small windows which hardly let much light in, that also made it feel chilly even when the sun was out. There were also insects and cobwebs everywhere too as it had a thatched roof and lots of old rough timbers.
Anyways, I shared a room with my sister and we each had single beds about two feet apart. I normally sleep like a log after travelling long journeys so it was unusual on that first night to suddenly wake up in middle of the night for no real apparent reason. The house was dead quiet and there were no light coming into the room other than the moonlight through the moderate gaps in the curtains but beside my bed and about half way down, was an impenetrably black shape that seemed human in appearance, standing between our two beds. I felt so scared that I froze and after trying to see if it moved or not but being sure it wasn't natural I did the only thing I could think of and hid under the bedclothes! I remember laying their for ages thinking that by hiding it would just go away but it was hard to sleep either and took me ages to get off again.
Next morning though I woke up and thought it was probably not wise to mention it to my younger sister otherwise we would have trouble getting her to bed the following night but before we had barely said ‘good morning’ to each other she asked me if someone had come into our room during the night as she thought someone had been standing between our beds! I don't think my goosepimples ever quite come up as fast as when she told me that!

Have a nice week :)