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Ozone and Gullas's 2012 Holiday Hideout ------------ "The 2012 DrunkDuck Holiday Avatar Thread of AWESOME!!!5
gullas at 9:50AM, Dec. 23, 2012
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007
Post here if you have yours up
I'll start :)
Ozoneocean at 10:30AM, Dec. 23, 2012
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Ho ho ho!!
You're a ho!!!
I got a Ho for my garden!!!!

Merry Xmas!!!!!
(The celebration of the exclamation mark!)
gullas at 5:13PM, Dec. 24, 2012
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007
gosh ozone, I should prolly rename the thread to “Ozone and Gullas's 2012 Holiday Hideout”…
I'm dead serious
Ozoneocean at 9:59PM, Dec. 24, 2012
posts: 28,837
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gullas at 11:34AM, Dec. 25, 2012
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007
whoot ^^
too much food… mom decided to have Turkey for dinner last night (we celebrate Yule/winter solstice, deal with it), which in itself wouldn't have been a problem… but we always have ptarmigans and apperantly we got some. So mom wuws her big boy too much (gee I'm getting fat) so she decided to cook ‘em both. We’ve goot food till next year ;)

So what are you having special for dinner this season, Ozone?
Ozoneocean at 12:24PM, Dec. 25, 2012
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Roast lamb and roast potatoes…. and peas. It's tradition! ^_^
Gravy, rosemary, mint sauce, sweet potato, garlic… all that stuff in there as well. Very nice.
gullas at 12:47PM, Dec. 25, 2012
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007
Sounds nice ozone :)
Well as for gifts (it's always about those ;) ) I got a sweater, scart, hedphones, soap and socks. The usual stuff. I was actually a bit disapointed that I only got one book, and it was one to keep track of my working hours -.-*
Ozoneocean at 5:48AM, Dec. 26, 2012
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Aw! I got lots of food, a marvel comics character encyclopaedia, a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet (which is basically like a cintiq for drawing… so cool), and lots cool bits and pieces… very spoiled I was ^_^
It's really, really hot here though so it's a bit unpleasant, especially at night. Just full on baking bloody hot. Makes it really hard to do anything or enjoy pressies… I wish I had your weather instead!!!!!!!!!!
gullas at 9:28AM, Dec. 26, 2012
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007
My weather? are you ducking kidding me? It's around -5C (23F) without wind!!! You'd be freezing your butt. It's bareable when it's not windy (which is like never! at least at my parents). I wish i was sweating my ass of in your aussie sun ^_^*
YAY leftover day, today!
last edited on Dec. 26, 2012 9:29AM
Ozoneocean at 4:26PM, Dec. 26, 2012
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
That sounds perfect! Most of your stuff is done inside this time of year anyway, and I'm sure you're toasty and warm in there!
leftovers sound delicious!!!!!!
So messy here, my routine Oscar buggered by Xmas! I need to exercise!Ifeelfat.
gullas at 4:42AM, Dec. 27, 2012
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007
I here you man. The bars are closed on the 24th till 26th. That night there is usually some sort of party or band or something (pretty good one they got this year). The , I don't know if it is a nationwide tradition but yeach year (those born in ‘88, ’89 etc.) have some sort of gathering. There were erm interesting things that happened there, it's a sort of information overflow that goes around there, kinda like facebook or something in 2 hours XD and there is usually one that makes a scene (drunk one, and no it wasn't me).
Well I'm going home, to the capitol this weekend and bou it snowed tonight, will get a pic or two for the picture thread.
Gunwallace at 12:24AM, Dec. 28, 2012
posts: 384
joined: 10-13-2010
Had the ultimate New Zealand Xmas when a Weka came into the house and stood on the Xmas cake, leaving a perfect set of footprints in the icing.
Look up “Weka”on Google if you must.
Also got 10,000 words written on a script using Bane's tutorial on writing as a guide.
David ‘Gunwallace’ Tulloch,
gullas at 4:06AM, Dec. 28, 2012
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007
That sounds awesome Gunwallace, I assume that the cake was eaten after the incident?
HippieVan at 2:52PM, Dec. 30, 2012
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joined: 3-15-2008
gullas wrote:
My weather? are you ducking kidding me? It's around -5C (23F) without wind!!! You'd be freezing your butt. It's bareable when it's not windy (which is like never! at least at my parents). I wish i was sweating my ass of in your aussie sun ^_^*
YAY leftover day, today!
I would kill for a winter where -5C was cold! Tomorrow's forecast: high of -18C(0F), low of -26C(-15C). Without wind, of course, and that's pretty typical for this time of year.
Unless someone here lives in Nunavut, no one else is allowed to complain about weather. : P
Duchess of Friday Newsposts and the holy Top Ten
gullas at 6:45PM, Dec. 30, 2012
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007
true dat hippie, true dat. But you have to take in account that less humid (like here and Greenland) translates to “less” cold… ah science…
HippieVan at 9:13PM, Dec. 31, 2012
posts: 3,003
joined: 3-15-2008
Well I'll give ya that one, gullas. It's usually a dry cold here, so if you've got plenty of layers on and a big old parka you'll be alright…it's hard to dress for damp cold.
Duchess of Friday Newsposts and the holy Top Ten
Ozoneocean at 3:34AM, Jan. 1, 2013
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
I know that a Weka is a lizard!
I talked to a cray N-zedder last night. He said his last name was “Whale” and where he went to school they called people by their last names only, and he was a bit tubby so having the name “Whale” was hell… a very morose drunk!

But very funny too. ^_^
Gunwallace at 11:45AM, Jan. 1, 2013
posts: 384
joined: 10-13-2010
A weka is a bird. It's flightless, but runs very fast. Not as iconic as the related kiwi, and less nocturnal. There's a nesting pair living behind the bach (a small holiday home) I spent my xmas at.
David ‘Gunwallace’ Tulloch,
Ozoneocean at 1:20PM, Jan. 1, 2013
posts: 28,837
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The Oh-Zone has spoken!
Gunwallace at 12:28AM, Jan. 2, 2013
posts: 384
joined: 10-13-2010
Then a Wallaby is a type of fungus, a Koala is a species of clam, and the Platypus is the Premier of Queensland.
David ‘Gunwallace’ Tulloch,
Ozoneocean at 1:03AM, Jan. 2, 2013
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Yes, all of that is 100% true!
We should be writing for wikipedia ^_^

- Wikipedia is a mens health magazine printed of wallaby fungus paper.
bravo1102 at 3:22AM, Jan. 3, 2013
posts: 6,122
joined: 1-21-2008
Gunwallace wrote:
Then a Wallaby is a type of fungus, a Koala is a species of clam, and the Platypus is the Premier of Queensland.
Learn something new every day. At least it's not like in New Jersey where Possum are a type of pizza.
Product Placement at 5:25PM, Jan. 10, 2013
posts: 7,078
joined: 10-18-2007
Those were my two cents.
If you have any other questions, please deposit a quarter.
This space for rent.
ayesinback at 5:28PM, Jan. 10, 2013
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joined: 8-23-2010
Well hey there Ho—Product Placement. How You doin?
You TOO can be (multiple choice)

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