baggage check

JoeRockit on March 23, 2008

I've started pre-production on an animated short that I aim to finish next month. Hopeful it won't interfere too much with the comic but we'll see. I've never made a film like this before and I can easily see the stop motion bringing the rest of my life to a stand still.

Over the course of SXSW i was able to catch the premiere of Harold and Humar 2 (during the Q&A Neil Patrick Harris started removing his pants) and Forgetting Sarah Marshal. Both were excellent and I can hardly wait for the theatrical releases so I can see them both again. I also caught a zombies-invade-the-senior-prom horror flick called Dance of the Dead which premiered at the Alamo Ritz. I'll concede that my zombie snobness may have gotten in the way of a fun movie but I was pretty let down. With a premise like that I was expecting nothing short of my new favorite film but the combination of running zombies, tongue-in-cheek humor, and a total lack of characterization doomed that film for me. Still worth it on DVD if you ever get the chance, however.